SF proposal would be homeless encampment on wheels
Why try to solve the homelessness crisis in California when you can just provide 'safe spaces' for vehicle living? That seems to be the Golden State's thinking, and Tomi has some 'First Thoughts.'
Why try to solve the homeless crisis in California when you can just provide “safe spaces” for vehicle living, right?
Welcome to the Golden State, where nothing, absolutely nothing, makes sense.
It’s time for First Thoughts.
Oh California, such a beautiful state. Too bad it’s been ravaged by illegal immigration, taxes, Democrats who love those taxes, and homelessness.
But here in the Golden State, our leaders don’t solve problems. They just sweep them under the rug, or in this case, into a parking lot that was supposed to be reserved for San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency employees, but will now be a "safe space" for people living in their vehicles.
Isn’t that lovely? Two brilliant San Francisco lawmakers proposed transforming a parking lot near the Balboa Park public transportation station into an oasis for homeless people to live in cars and RVs.
The "Safe Overnight Parking" proposal amended the police code to allow people to “habitate” in their vehicles overnight without police interference. It passed the San Francisco board unanimously. No shock there.
They plan to call it a "Vehicle Navigation Triage Center."
Um, no. Let’s call it what it is: a homeless encampment on wheels!
But it’s not just San Francisco — otherwise known as the homeless encampment by the bay — that has embraced this new homeless Adventureland. Oakland, San Diego, Santa Barbara – and of course, Los Angeles – already have similar programs.
Yes, our whole state is a mess. Does anyone think there may be a reason police have traditionally cracked down on vehicle habitation in parking lots? Perhaps because it is a danger to society!
This encampment on wheels in San Francisco allows for up to 30 vehicles in a parking lot, reportedly intended for state agency employees! Do you think those employees feel safe walking to their own vehicles at night in the midst of a vehicle park for the homeless? I think the hell NOT!
As I’ve told you literally hundreds of times before, California’s felon-friendly laws have contributed to this homeless epidemic. Thanks to state legislators, our homeless population largely includes ex-cons who would and should be behind bars, but are instead on our streets and now, happily parked in vehicular encampments!
Sounds safe, huh? But how does a state with a budget surplus of over $20 BILLION still have a homeless epidemic? That’s a good question. Maybe we should ask our governor and former mayor of San Francisco, Greasy Gavin Newsom!
Recent point-in-time surveys show nearly 10,000 San Franciscans are homeless, and that likely doesn’t include those living in their cars. Welcome to Hotel California!
That’s modest compared to right here in Los Angeles. Countywide, our city of angels boasts approximately 50,000 homeless people and counting, according to the latest count by the Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority.
The state of California set aside $650 million for the homeless problem and still can’t solve the problem! Instead of focusing on it, our leaders have spent their time, actually, taxpayer-funded time, passing budgets to provide illegal immigrants with health care benefits.
Folks, you might not live in California, but consider this. Your city or state might be one Democratic vote away from your own homeless encampment on wheels.