GM-UAW talks resume after union says negotiations took 'turn for the worse’

Talks between General Motors and the United Auto Workers resumed Monday morning after harsh words from the union, which said negotiations had taken a "turn for the worse" and accused GM of lacking "basic decency" on Sunday.

Mexico is still a major sticking point, as GM would not commit on Sunday to moving any production from Mexico to the U.S., including the shuttered Lordstown, Ohio, plant that caught President Trump's attention in March, a source familiar with the negotiations told FOX Business.

The union will "hold the line as long as possible" until GM feels the pressure to move product lines from Mexico to the U.S., the source said.

"We are committed to continuing discussions around the clock to reach a resolution," a GM spokesperson told FOX Business on Sunday.

Another factor is GM's push to close the UAW-GM Center for Human Resources in Detroit, according to a report from The Detroit Free Press citing three people familiar with negotiations. Another joint training center between the UAW and Fiat Chrysler Automobiles (FCA) is at the center of a federal corruption investigation that has led to 11 charges.

Ticker Security Last Change Change %
GM GENERAL MOTORS CO. 44.86 +0.19 +0.43%
FCAU n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a.

Nearly 50,000 UAW members walked out on GM in mid-September. The strike entered its fourth week on Monday.