4 to Watch: Business Leaders Turning on GOP Over Shutdown?

1. Shutdown causing rift between Republicans and business?

As the shutdown nears the end of week two, business groups are warning some GOP lawmakers that they’re unhappy. Republican strategist Noelle Nikpour says Republicans are experiencing pushback when it comes to fundraising due to the current situation in Washington, D.C. The Wall Street Journal’s Spencer Jakab says the Republican party is the party of business, but business leaders don’t approve of the shutdown, which is hurting economic growth.

2. Will concierge medicine see a boom under ObamaCare?

Where should a small-business owner go for good coverage under ObamaCare? NY Cardiac Diagnostic Center’s Dr. Steven Reisman says the ObamaCare exchange may be a good option, depending on which of his doctors will be participating in those plans. Lenox Hill Surgeon Dr. Dimitri Alden says concierge medicine will also be expanding due to ObamaCare, because health care under ACA will be limited. As a result, individuals may look to options where they can pay cash for care.

3. Mistake for U.S. to cut aid to Egypt?

FNC’s Judith Miller says she’s very worried about what the administration is doing in Egypt, and for Obama to say we’re going cut some funding is a mistake. FNC political analyst Doug Schoen agrees, and says it’s necessary to spend money on counterterrorism efforts in the country.

4. Taxes the key issue in NYC mayoral race?

If frontrunner Bill De Blasio wins the NYC mayoral race, higher taxes are pretty much a sure thing. Independent candidate for mayor Jack Hidary says higher taxes are bad for both small business and Wall Street. Hidary says many people in NYC want to become entrepreneurs, but an anti-business administration would kill business creation in the city.