Better Credit, Same Lousy Car Loan Rate? Demand a Better Rate

Dear Driving for Dollars, Thanks to long-ago poor credit, I'm two years into a five-year car loan at 15 percent. I've never been late on a payment and my credit score has improved a lot, yet I can't get them to refinance me. Is there any way I can get a refi to a better rate?
-- SjB
Dear SjB,
First, start by confirming that your credit has indeed improved by reviewing your credit reports from all three agencies, and obtain your credit score from at least one of them.
While you are doing that, it would be wise to look for ways you can further improve your credit.
Then call your current lender and ask about refinancing options. Shop around at other lenders, too. You are at a good point to do this because most refinanced car loans are for 36 or 48 months, so you wouldn't be substantially extending the life of your car loan. Even if you've done all of these steps already or if you get rejected this time, keep trying. The current trend with lenders is a loosening of credit, so if you can't get a good car refinancing deal right now, you may get one in a few months.
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