CNN hosts hour long coverage of name drawing for Democratic debate stage
The coverage even included a panel to discuss the importance of names being drawn out of a box says Greg Gutfeld.
This is a rush transcript from "The Greg Gutfeld Show," July 20, 2019. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.
DON LEMON, CNN ANCHOR: The worst thing that you could do especially if you are an anchor is have silence, right? Silence. Right? Everyone is afraid of silence, which can be very powerful on television. So, just bear with me. Don't say anything. Don't say anything for and I'm going to start the stopwatch. Just don't say anything. That was 13 seconds.
GREG GUTFELD, HOST: And the best 13 seconds he has ever said.
(Cheering and Applause)
GUTFELD: It began with a tweet and ended with a chant. Within two days after Trump tweeted about the squad, the word "racist" was uttered 1,100 times on MSNBC and CNN. Maybe it's me, but it's getting a little nuts.
CHRIS CUOMO, CNN ANCHOR: Ana, I've got to go.
ANA NAVARRO, CNN POLITICAL COMMENTATOR: ... things are racist. People who do racist things are racist, like I said before, es un racista.
LEMON: If it walks like a racist, and it talks like a racist, then it is a racist.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Everybody who supports Donald Trump today is a racist because you're in complicit with -- you're complicit with --
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: So you just said it. So you just called me a racist.
MIKA BRZEZINSKI, MSNBC HOST: This President is promulgating racism and violence.
GUTFELD: Oh, promulgating. Nice word. I should probably check in on Rachel.
GUTFELD: So, forgive me if this week's outrage feels like a competition, especially since it initially relied on a deliberate misreading. Trump's tweet didn't say "leave," it said leave, but please come back. Racists don't say that.
But that's missing in the media's storytelling because it disrupts their typical ending -- that he is a racist or you're a racist, and everyone's a racist, but especially Trump, because he slammed the squad as if they're the only ones he has gone after.
GUTFELD: Let's roll the list. "The New York Times," Jeff Sessions, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Mitt Romney, Rand Paul, Jim Acosta, Amazon, Jeff Bezos, Mike Bloomberg, John McCain, Jeb Bush, Rosie O'Donnell, Bernie Sanders, Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton, Marco Rubio, CNN, Rex Tillerson, a U.K. ambassador, Macy's, Liz Warren, Da Nang Dick, Nervous Nancy, Crying Chuck, Lying Ted and Lying Ted's wife Heidi.
Now, according to the media, those are all women of color because Trump only targets women of color. Please, he even went after Mick Mulvaney for coughing --
DONALD TRUMP, PRESIDENT: It's so important, I hope they get it because it's a phenomenal -- it's a fantastic financial state. Let's do that over. He is coughing in the middle of my answer. I don't like that. You know?
TRUMP: If you're going to cough, please, leave the room.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I'm trying to -- I'll come over here.
TRUMP: You just can't.
GUTFELD: You just can't do it. You just can't do it. The media needs to paint Trump as only going after minorities to suit the "he is a racist" narrative. I wish we could prove that they're wrong.
TRUMP: I've given my answer Lying Ted. I've given my answer.
Jeb Bush is a low energy person.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I could not take --
TRUMP: More energy tonight. I like that.
Crooked Hillary.
But she is Crooked Hillary Clinton.
Don't worry about it a little Marco.
I've got more Indian blood in me than Pocahontas.
Sleepy Joe Biden. Crazy Bernie. Da Nang Dick. Lying Ted. Lying Ted. What's your name? My name is Lying Ted Cruz.
I never attacked him on his look. And believe me, there's plenty of subject matter right there, that I can tell you.
GUTFELD: But he is a racist because today everything is racist, even the moon landing. Yes, to celebrate its 50th anniversary, "The Washington Post" tweets that the culture that put men on the moon was white and male, not to be out woked, "The New York Times" noted that the Soviets won the space race for equality.
So, a brutal system that killed tens of millions of people is morally superior to us, because they had a woman astronaut first. Awesome. However, the big outrage as you know happened at the rally. But first, is Greg a winner?
TRUMP: Greg is a winner. You know, Greg will be great on jobs, all the things you want, tough on crime, strong on borders, pushing the wall. So go out. Get Greg elected.
GUTFELD: I didn't even know I was running. But thanks. That doesn't mean other countries are thrilled with him?
TRUMP: That doesn't mean the other countries are thrilled with me. There was a recent poll, Germany likes Obama better than Trump. A lot better. I said, "Of course, because I'm making them pay their bills."
GUTFELD: And what happens whenever I hear the word "apprentice?"
TRUMP: Whenever I hear that word "apprentice," I say, "I love that word. That was a good show. They figured you know what we'll do? We'll get Arnold Schwarzenegger to take my place.
TRUMP: That didn't work out too well.
GUTFELD: Then you have that young guy boot-edge-edge.
TRUMP: And you have a young guy, Buttigieg. Buttigieg. They're saying how to say his name, boot-edge-edge. He's a beauty. He runs a failed city.
GUTFELD: It's like when he called Pocahontas, Pocahontas.
TRUMP; It's like when I called Pocahontas, Pocahontas. I should have waited six months, because she then went out and got that test, 1,024th and I've always said I have more Indian blood in me than she has in her and I have none.
GUTFELD: And Bernie -- Bernie, you missed your time.
TRUMP: Bernie, you missed your time. He's not doing too well. But that's okay. I've got to hand it to him. He's up there ranting and raving and going like a lunatic. I said to our First Lady the other day. I was watching Bernie, and he is screaming. His hair is all crazy.
GUTFELD: But damn, that's a beautiful baby.
TRUMP: Look at that beautiful baby. Look at that beautiful baby. Wow, what a baby. What a baby. That is a beautiful baby. That's like from an advertisement. Perfect.
GUTFELD: So, do you get it? He bashed four people one country and complimented a baby. That's what he does. Of course, there's the chant. You already heard it and Trump has distanced himself from it, which he should.
I don't like chants, unless it's "We love Greg." But any group action including a crass chant in a WWE type atmosphere bugs me, but the media mob bugs me too, because they have more power than those chanters. And they weaponize it daily to smear people they ate.
Yes, "Send her back" is crappy. But so it's been called a Nazi by media professionals. Yes, "Send her back" is crappy. But so is an anti-Semitic resolution to boycott a peaceful ally, or comparing Israel to Nazis or equating America to Al Qaeda. If only the media devoted equal outrage to that, or to a violent attack on an I.C.E. facility or calling American law enforcement concentration camp guards, or encouraging doxing of people they disagree with, or chasing people out of restaurants.
Those are actions not words. Yes, chants suck. But for leftists, that's their pregame.
Now, both political camps focus on threats. Trump focuses on what he sees as harmful for the country. The squad focuses on harm they believe our country is doing. This week, they collided. You don't have to pick a side and you can find it all gross. But you don't have to set your hair on fire either. We're already in a heat wave as it is.
(Cheering and Applause)
GUTFELD: Let's welcome tonight's guests. He could kill you with his eyebrows, former C.I.A. operative Intelligence President, Mike Baker.
(Cheering and Applause)
GUTFELD: He's got more quips than I have wit, the other Stephen L. Miller.
(Cheering and Applause)
GUTFELD: She is quirky, smirky and eats beef jerky. Host of "Sincerely, Kat" on Fox Nation, Katherine Timpf.
(Cheering and Applause)
GUTFELD: And everyone looks up to him not by choice, he's just really tall, my massive side kicking and host of "Nuff Said" on Fox Nation, Tyrus.
(Cheering and Applause)
GUTFELD: You're getting hoots now, Tyrus.
GUTFELD: Yes. That's new.
MURDOCH: Yes, it is new. I'll take it.
GUTFELD: Yes. All right. Mikey, you look great. I haven't seen you in a while.
BAKER: It's been awhile.
GUTFELD: Go ahead, pick whatever you want out of this week. Go and run with it.
BAKER: Well, first of all, man, I congratulate you. This sofa is much more comfortable than the last one you had.
BAKER: And so, I appreciate that. Although it sets us lower.
GUTFELD: He is already off topic. This isn't "Red Eye" Mike. This is the show that's on once a week.
BAKER: It's not "Red Eye." I've got to lay off the NyQuil. So yes, I'm conflicted on this because I know it is news. I know we've got to talk about it. My number one thought is though, I would love if we just don't allow all the oxygen for this squad, right. And yet -- because they're constantly punching above their weight, and I know also that it's useless, right, to give President Trump any advice whatsoever.
GUTFELD: That's true.
BAKER: But, because I don't think take my own advice, I'm going to do it. And what he should do is, is just avoid being baited by their taunts. And don't give them again, don't give them that oxygen, focus on creating the concept going into 2020 that the entire party is socialist, the entire party is pushing these crazy ideas and coming from this squad, right?
Don't make it about those four individuals, make it about the party, but he can't help himself. So yes -- that's a rambling answer.
GUTFELD: I spent like a year and a half giving that same advice, and he ignored everything I said, and one, that's why I don't know --
BAKER: Yes, no, you're right. You're right.
GUTFELD: But isn't that what he's kind of trying to do? He tried to use the squad to paint the entire party, but he kind of focused too much on the squad.
STEPHEN L. MILLER, AUTHOR/WRITER: There's a big debate about that. This big debate, is this a big strategy or is it just like President Boomer dad waking up in the morning and yelling at the TV? Yes, I'm not a fan of tweets. I'm not a fan of the chant. I am glad he disavowed it.
I think you know, like you said about the wrestling atmosphere. That's what it is. So, I'm fine with "lock her up" because everybody agrees Hillary should be in prison. So, that was fine. But I'm glad he disavowed the "send her back" chant.
Omar, she's an anti-Semite, I don't agree with anything that she does politically. But she is an American citizen. She did everything that we asked her to do to go through the system. And so while we have massive floods of caravans coming across the border illegally, you have someone who actually went through the channels, passed the test, did the thing. And now she's in Congress. So yes, I just think -- let's just get back to the good old fashioned "lock her up." I'm a fan of that one.
GUTFELD: Yes, you're a fan of the earlier hits.
(Cheering and Applause)
GUTFELD: Fan of the earlier hits, not a fan of the new -- the new stuff, Kat, is not good, but the old stuff is better.
KATHERINE TIMPF, HOST: Yes, that will happen sometime. Yes. Sorry. I just swallowed my gum, and it's kind of stuck in my throat. So, next time, I won't have gum. Yes, look, I wasn't a fan of the tweets myself. I've said so, I'll say so again.
But you know, who I think is actually a big fan. The biggest fan is the media that pretends that they hate the tweets.
TIMPF: They saw that he tweeted this and they weren't thinking, "Oh, no, the President is ..." they were like, "Yes, no work tomorrow. Just going to call the President racist all day." They don't actually have to do -- I mean, that would be -- if that was my job, just to repeat the same word over and over again. That'd be great. I would have to read a lot less. I could chill. I could take more naps. It would be wonderful.
I think that all of their outrage, they have fun doing it. And so I think it's a little bit disingenuous. It's not like they are going against the grain by saying something like this. They're making some bold statement. They are saying what they know everybody wants them to say and they're having a good time doing it.
So, I don't like the tweets myself. But I also think it's strange to see how gleeful people get over it and pretending they don't like it.
GUTFELD: Yes. It's awesome content for slow summer months in the news, Tyrus. Round this out?
MURDOCH: You are all racist.
MURDOCH: Every one of you. Racist, racist, racist. You know, I'm going to be racist, too. So, now that we're all racist, can we get back to the actual conversation?
MURDOCH: Because I don't know what the hell the four of them are complaining about anymore. And I'm confused, when I was growing up, I knew who the racist old man was on the corner of my street because he said very specific things to me when I stepped on his yard. And it usually centered around the pigmentation of my skin.
MURDOCH: Some epitaph.
MURDOCH: You know what I'm saying? Now, if you tell someone "leave," it's racist. Because I remember there was -- and I was talking to Mr. Baker about it. It used to be an American slogan if you don't like it, you can leave.
MURDOCH: It was like America love it or leave. It was pretty much a normal thing, and a 70-year-old man from that era might say, if you don't like the way I do things you can leave, racist. Where?
(Cheering and Applause)
GUTFELD: He said the same thing is essentially to the U.K. Prime Minister. He said to the U.K. Minister, you've got to go.
MURDOCH: And you don't have to actually be a racist to be racist anymore. You just have to say, watch this, racist, somebody in here is like, "Hmmm, maybe." That's just where we are now.
GUTFELD: All right, coming up. CNN holds a lottery and Biden wants to do pushups. The result. Both look really stupid.
(Cheering and Applause)
ANNOUNCER: And now, “The Greg Gutfeld Show” presents "The 2020 CAN'T- idates."
GUTFELD: As his campaign dies, he wants to exercise. So, if Joe Biden becomes the nominee, how would he handle Trump on the debate stage? What would he say?
JOE BIDEN, D-PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: Come on, Donald. Come on, man. How many pushups you want to do here, pal? Jokingly. You know, come on, run with me, man.
GUTFELD: Come on, man. Run with me, man. I can't tell if he's running for President or auditioning for a Cheech and Chong movie.
GUTFELD: There's a reference. Anyway, the next debate will be on CNN. And because there's so many candidates, CNN spent an entire hour deciding which candidates would debate when, by picking names out of a box. So, to be fair and transparent to everybody. Here you go.
WOLF BLITZER, CNN HOST: A lot of thought and care has gone into this process to make sure it's transparent and fair.
BRIANNA KEILAR, CNN HOST: We believe that this process should be as transparent as possible. Because we are being very open about this process, we have multiple camera views including an overhead camera. We want you to see everything that we are doing.
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: A reminder, for full transparency, you can watch the camera but me overhead.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Remember, we have these overhead cameras for complete confidence, full transparency, you can see everything I'm doing.
GUTFELD: It's a lot like my bedroom. This had everything -- boxes, names, date, crazy camera angles, and of course because it's CNN, a panel of 300 people to explain the importance of picking names out of a box. Why don't you try to hone down your panel instead of the debates? It even had a sponsor.
ANNOUNCER: "The Draw" brought to you by "Once Upon a Time in Hollywood," starring Leonardo DiCaprio and Brad Pitt.
GUTFELD: The anticipation is killing me. This must be the most amazing lottery ever.
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: John Hickenlooper, he will take the stage on Tuesday, July 30th.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Cory Booker. He will hit the stage in Detroit on Wednesday, July 31st.
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Kamala Harris, she will be debating on Wednesday, July 31.
GUTFELD: My god. Riveting. They dragged that out for an hour. It's like bingo without winning anything.
(Cheering and Applause)
GUTFELD: All right, Stephen -- Stephen, I said, yesterday, I believe that CNN's like a person who has no close friends. They don't tell them when they look stupid.
MILLER: Yes, I would say that's just about right for -- and this is the thing like what Kat said about all the hooting and hollering over the atmosphere over Trump's rallies, the circus atmosphere.
MILLER: Here, you have CNN turning the Democratic debate into the Hunger Games like literally. Like I was ready to see like, you know, Cory Booker bust through the doors, "I volunteer as tribute. I volunteer as tribute." Just to get on the stage with Biden and break one percent.
Yes, also that clip with Biden. I mean, when he gets the nomination, let's just get rid of the moderators. Let's just rent a home depot parking lot. Clear the cars out, get rid of the moderators, put Biden there and put Trump and put a festivus pole right in the middle. And just let them get over it because I don't think Biden win that.
MILLER: It is never too late to give up, Joe.
GUTFELD: Tyrus, what do you make of this?
MURDOCH: Well, thanks to my co-captain on my podcast, Timpf, over here. I like gangster Biden. "You want to do pushups." So his new name is what?
TIMPF: Grandpa.
MURDOCH: You know, a lot of -- CNN, I think somewhere if you look at their production roster, somebody got fired from the WWE because we tried that a couple of times, and it didn't work then. "Who will wrestle tonight? We'll pull from a hat," and while you're pulling from the hat, people are changing the channel.
MURDOCH: That description alone that -- we have six -- click. No one wants to hear that.
GUTFELD: Yes, I know why -- you know why they did that though, Kat, is because of the Bernie fiasco. They were trying to say this isn't rigged like what we did to Bernie for Hillary back in 2016.
TIMPF: Yes, but they're still going to say it's rigged, Bernie supporters.
TIMPF: Because they get all of their opinions from weed. You think Bernie supporters are sitting around watching CNN? No, they're sitting around watching weed that they're smoking. But I'm personally glad that Joe Biden made the pushup comment because finally we're talking about it.
TIMPF: You know, like I'm a single issue voter and that issue for me is pushup.
TIMPF: I mean, I go in the ballot box. Who do I think could do more pushups? And then, I, you know, Google photos of them first. I try to zoom in on the arms and I really -- so I'm really glad he brought this up because if it's true that he can do more pushups than -- I am a single issue. Now, what matters more in this country than your our muscles, any President?
GUTFELD: And if you adopt this as a barometer, guys serving life at a super max prison should be President because those guys --
TIMPF: Exactly.
MURDOCH: Well, hold on, let's be real, the score is going to be six to four. Let's be real. Let's be real. Ain't like Biden going to be pushing and clapping, you know, Trump with one hand. Both guys are going to be after one and two go and this is a really bad idea. Go to commercial, let's just talk about it. Or Mr. Trump, clearly that's a stunt double. Like, you know what I am saying, like --
GUTFELD: Last word, Mike? You could do a hundred pushups.
BAKER: Yes, I think right now, Tyrus and I should just right here. Let's do it. Right now.
MILLER: Let's do that.
BAKER: Let's do that.
MURDOCH: Let's do that.
BAKER: But look, Biden is what? 76 years old.
BAKER: Trump is -- President Trump is 72. Nobody wants to see this. Nobody wants to be subjected.
GUTFELD: Shirtless.
MILLER: I want to see it.
BAKER: Two shirtless dudes doing calisthenics.
TIMPF: Yes, I want to see it.
MILLER: I want to see that.
BAKER: I am wrong. Everybody, apparently wants to see this. But look, this is -- it's absurd. I would have preferred when they did this on CNN that they did one of those lottery drawing with a big barrel of ping pong balls. Right? And they have -- I can't say that, never mind. Okay, so I'm done. Ever since political correctness, I have just been -- I have been --
MURDOCH: Did you read your notes? Read your notes.
BAKER: I can't say anything anymore.
TIMPF: Here you can.
GUTFELD: I know.
BAKER: Because of where we are in society today.
GUTFELD: Well, you know what --
BAKER: I'm sorry. So, I'm going to shut up right now.
GUTFELD: You always say that, but you never do.
BAKER: That's true.
BAKER: So, I guess my point is --
MURDOCH: Did you bring your notes? He always has notes when he gets --
GUTFELD: To the roll of the music. Coming up, we discuss the only interesting Democrat running for President. That's next. Yes.
(Cheering and Applause)
AISHAH HASNIE, CORRESPONDENT: Live from "America's News Headquarters," I'm Aishah Hasnie. A massive heat wave gripping much of the nation is being blamed for at least six deaths. Four people died in Maryland, one in Arizona and another in Arkansas. High heat and humidity is making it feel like it's over 100 degrees in many cities. Baltimore logged the heat index of 122. New York has declared an emergency canceling or postponing events.
And the Braintree Police Department in Massachusetts telling residents to put crime on hold at least until Monday saying it is quote "hot as soccer balls out there."
Overseas, 12 people died after a gas plant exploded in Central China. The force of the blast shattered windows and blew out doors within a two-mile radius. More than a dozen others were injured. No word yet on what caused that blast.
I'm Aishah Hasnie, now back to “The Greg Gutfeld Show.” For all your headlines, log on to
GUTFELD: Like a soothing dove, she brings a message of love. You know Marianne Williamson, the one who said she is harnessing love to beat Trump in 2020?
MARIANNE WILLIAMSON, D-PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: I'm going to harness love for political purposes. I will meet you on that field and sir, love will win.
GUTFELD: You know it, you know. This week a POLITICO piece had some ideas for the Dems to improve the debates, including keeping fringe candidates like Marianne off the stage. But here's what's interesting, a new St. Anselm poll, my favorite, shows Marianne Williamson is ahead of Cory Booker and Kirsten Gillibrand in New Hampshire.
(Cheering and Applause)
GUTFELD: So, maybe that harnessing love crap works, and maybe it's working better than identity politics, which the left is so obsessed with. Here's what she told Dave Rubin about that.
WILLIAMSON: You know, I always say, I talk about the same thing, whether I'm talking to rich people, poor people, English speaking people, Spanish speaking people, gay people, straight people, Jewish people, Christian people, Muslim people, I am talking to the American in all of them. That's what matters now. We need to have an American conversation.
GUTFELD: Oh, my God. She is making sense. She is harnessing me with love. Let's turn to our political correspondent, Chet Nancefurd for analysis. Chet, what do you think?
GUTFELD: Chet's been harnessed by love, too. See it is spreading. Kat.
MILLER: That's right.
GUTFELD: Is she really the only interesting voice on that side or am I just falling in love and I don't know it?
TIMPF: Yes, I know, she is. She had a tweet this week that said the problem in our country is that we have not emotionally connected with the Declaration of Independence. And I've spent all day thinking about what that could possibly mean. I mean, does she want us to like rub crystals on it or like -- because I don't think like the National Archives lets you do that.
Like, they keep that line moving quickly. They don't let you like go up to it and start talking about your childhood or whatever, however you emotionally bond, but I think she is wonderful. Still, the jury is out on how many pushups she can do. That will be the decision for me. But she's so captivating.
What she said, did it make sense? And I've spent all day trying to figure out how to make sense of it.
GUTFELD: Reminds me of Trump, man. She is the odd person out, Tyrus, in this bunch.
MURDOCH: Well, no, she is -- correction -- she is the only person in this bunch. And I mean that -- I mean, everyone is a human being. But I actually feel like what she is saying is genuine and real, albeit weird, but I know her name. Marianne Williamson. If you asked me to list the other ones who are not CNN correspondents who annoy me, because of silly stuff they say, this one -- she speaks and I'm like, "Oh, you know, cool. What is she talking about this week?"
MURDOCH: And it's amazing to me that the Democratic Party, which is all about inclusion, and everyone is welcome are now saying, "She has got to go."
GUTFELD: Yes, exactly.
MURDOCH: She's got to go.
GUTFELD: You know what? They -- again, I go back to how -- I mean, I made fun of Trump for like six months. And I was completely like, "Who is laughing now?" I feel like she is -- I feel like she is going to rise up the ranks.
BAKER: Yes, well, not only is she above Gillibrand and Booker, she has got to be above de Blasio.
GUTFELD: Of course, yes.
BAKER: Everybody is above de Blasio. But no, but Tyrus is absolutely right. Look, the party of inclusivity, but what are they doing? They're doing their standard -- if we don't like what you're saying, not only should you shut up, but we're going to figure out how to game the system to keep you off the stage.
BAKER: Right? And the only thing that's going to get me through these debates exactly is her and now he has dropped out, people like Swalwell, every day, I was excited to see what crap he was going to kick out there. So yes, I say keep them in.
GUTFELD: I know. All right, Stephen, you've been on the MW train since day one. So, let it let it rip.
MILLER: I love her.
MILLER: I love her so much. Yes, I mean, you have the DNC writing her off. You have CNN. You have the media running her off and everyone is making fun of her and everyone forgets that's exactly how we got the last President.
GUTFELD: Exactly.
MILLER: She said the most true thing in the last debate, you have Elizabeth Warren out there in the media and Warren has got a plan. I've got a plan to fix. I've got a plan for everything. And Marianne Williamson walks out and goes, "You know, how Trump won? Trump -- he didn't say I had a plan. He walked out and said, 'Let's make America great again." And Trump won.
Elizabeth Warren pretended to be a Native American for 25 years. Marianne Williamson entered the spirit world in one debate.
TIMPF: She is the only one who I believe could hold a seance and bring back Benjamin Franklin.
BAKER: That's who you would want to bring back? Benjamin Franklin?
TIMPF: Yes, he seems like my favorite. Any questions about that? I think he could do the most pushups.
GUTFELD: She reminds me of the world's greatest babysitter, like she's like a soothing waterfall of warm milk.
MILLER: She'll be commander in brunch.
MILLER: The next -- the next debate -- in the next debate, she needs a glass of rose and a cigarette and she will win the debate.
MURDOCH: Our President Trump will say anything. It's going to be a little hard to argue when she goes there. You know what I am saying like, that debate is going to be --
GUTFELD: It's going to be something else.
MURDOCH: I want to see Biden, no, I want to see that.
GUTFELD: I want to see that. You know what is going to happen, it's going to be like a Hallmark movie. They're going to fall in love -- marry -- he is going to resign and he will be President and she is going to be -- he is going to be her VP. It's going to be the greatest time of our lives.
MILLER: Better get real when CNN starts covering her rallies.
GUTFELD: Scarlett Johansson is not in the picture.
(Cheering and Applause)
GUTFELD: She gets attacked because she wants to act, actress Scarlett Johansson -- never heard of her -- got in trouble after saying this in an interview quote, "You know as an actor, I should be able to play any person or any tree or any animal because that's my job and the requirements of my job." She would be great as a tree. But the outrage mob on Twitter called her statement proof of white privilege.
Later, Scar Joe said she was taken out of context and that she supports diversity in film. Last year, she was cast in a film where she would play a trans-man. The social media pressure was so intense, she dropped out. If only there were a place where actors could learn what roles were acceptable in 2019.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Hi, I'm saw your Sawyer St. Sebastian and I run WAA. Woke Acting Academy. In my class, you'll learn the appropriate roles that you can play without appropriating the life experiences of others.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Wait, but isn't the whole point of acting to like, you know, play different characters?
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Only if you want to be an entitled "Bigot Derek," now get out of my class. Get out.
Now, what are we auditioning for this week? Yes?
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I'm up for a part in the next Avatar film.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Of course, you are white male. I bet you never even considered the fact that you're taking that role away from actual blue space aliens, did you?
In my class, we only teach the woke acting method. Now, who else?
TIMPF: I actually got a call back to play a serial killer.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Have you ever killed anyone?
TIMPF: What? No?
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Then give it up or kill one of your classmates.
TIMPF: What?
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I said kill one of your classmates. Now, what will you learn at WAA? Other than how privileged you are? Not much really. You certainly won't learn anything about acting. But at least you won't upset the basement dwelling activists on Twitter.
TIMPF: I killed Toby.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Oh, great. Go out there and murder that part. You see at WAA, you might never become a star. But at least you learn how to murder people.
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Is someone going to call an ambulance?
(Cheering and Applause)
GUTFELD: All right, Tyrus, I think you're the only actor here.
MURDOCH: We're all acting, bro. Racist.
GUTFELD: Yes. Does she have a point? I mean, what point? I don't know.
MURDOCH: Scarlett's original statement was authentic and true. And what it is to be an actor. So she was 100 percent right. The disappointing part was that she folded.
MURDOCH: Because she didn't say anything wrong. You're an actor. It's make believe, you're playing a part. And as much as it breaks my heart like take "The Lion King" that came up for example, you could audition as many lines as you want to play that role. Chances are at some point, they're going to eat somebody. You just can't trust the damn lion on set.
GUTFELD: Yes, you can't.
MURDOCH: So that's the world we live in. Acting is about playing a different part. It doesn't -- you don't have to be -- the thing is you play. Darth Vader really wasn't an amputee guy who could move things with his head. He wasn't that -- that wasn't who he was. He was a made up character.
GUTFELD: Was that what he was?
MURDOCH: It's made up. Yes.
GUTFELD: I had no idea.
MILLER: I didn't take that from the movie.
GUTFELD: I know. No, no. But shouldn't -- Stephen, isn't she stealing roles from the people that she is trying to play?
MILLER: No. I mean, this is the thing. Felicity Huffman in 2005 was nominated for an Oscar for "Transamerica." Jared Leto in 2017, won an Oscar for "Dallas Buyers Club." And so what actually -- and what actually happened here was you didn't get a film about representation. What happened is Scarlett Johansson left the project, which she was also producing.
MILLER: And you killed the film about a renowned trans-man that you know, was a -- you know the film probably would have looked on positively and would have gotten positive attention. And now you don't have a film. And so what you have is a case of just the snake eating its tail. And I mean, guys, good luck. Have fun with that. So yes, I don't know. Scarlett Johansson can play whatever she wants. She can play a tree and I would pay to go see that.
GUTFELD: But that would take a job from a tree, Mike.
BAKER: Yes. That's true. Okay, so I'm in this West Hollywood hotel, and --
MURDOCH: Oh boy.
GUTFELD: I like it --
BAKER: It's great, right?
MURDOCH: Kids, ear muffs.
BAKER: Okay, so I got so I got my --
GUTFELD: Did you have a tie around your neck? Anyway, go ahead.
BAKER: I was wearing trousers, and so the elevator doors open up. I'm typing or texting a friend of mine who's on the East Coast. So, I'm texting. I get on the elevator, it's a small elevator. There's nobody else on there.
TIMPF: Thank you for making sure we know the size of the elevator.
BAKER: And so, it's important -- before the doors closed, someone scurries onto the elevator. I'm working on my phone like this. So, all I can see is like down here and I look up, and it's Scarlett Johansson.
GUTFELD: Oh, really?
BAKER: And the doors have closed. And now this is where I show you how much game I've got. I look at her. And while I'm still sending a text to my buddy, I go, "Hey, you're Scarlett Johansson." Honest to God, that's exactly what I said. And she looked at me like I was Yucko the clown, right? She couldn't get off that damn elevator. She almost went through the little shaft on the top of the elevator. She was so scared.
GUTFELD: She almost pulled a die hard.
BAKER: Yes, so that was it. And I texted to my friend as she was getting off the elevator. "I am such a loser."
GUTFELD: But the funny thing at the end, you guys ended up getting married, which is great, Kat.
TIMPF: See, you know, Greg, when I was living in Harlem a few years ago, I had a very, very bad mouse infestation. Like one was in my bed and I was like, why God, why? I didn't understand why these mice were doing this to me. Then I remembered when I was seven, I played the dormouse in a community theater production of "Alice in Wonderland."
So, they were just mad I was taking all their roles. I mean, think about it. If we follow this through to its logical conclusion, every single movie is going to have to be a biopic played by that person.
TIMPF: And if it includes anything from their childhood, still got to be played by them as an adult because anyone else. I mean, literally, they made it so reality TV, which is trash. Love it, but it is trash. They've made it the only acceptable TV.
We are going to end up having to give Snooki an Oscar and it's going to be -- exactly, well, it's going to be all of our fault if we let this continue.
GUTFELD: By the way, giving Snooki an Oscar means something else downtown.
GUTFELD: Yes, I'm sorry.
MURDOCH: Oh man.
GUTFELD: All actors are going to be replaced by robots anyway. There's going to be no unions, there's going to be no drug problems, no ego clashes, and no paychecks. Because no one is going to want to put up with this crap. And the robots will be better actors any way, sexier, I think.
BAKER: I am sorry, but "Terminator" right? Did they cast a real cyborg? No, it was Arnold Schwarzenegger.
GUTFELD: Yes, they did.
BAKER: Oh, yes.
GUTFELD: Have you seen him act?
BAKER: Oh, yes, that's right.
MURDOCH: Oh, hey, man. Hey, hey.
GUTFELD: We've got to move on. We're going to talk about meth gators. That's all I am saying.
(Cheering and Applause)
GUTFELD: Can what you flush give gators a rush? After a drug bust, police in Loretto, Tennessee have asked the residents not to toss drugs in their toilets, quotes, "Ducks, geese and other fowl frequent our treatment ponds and we shudder to think what one all hyped up on meth would do. Furthermore, if it made it far enough, we could create meth gators." Meth gators -- it sounds really bad or really great.
Now, the Loretto Police admit they're using humor to get the point across about drug pollution -- never heard of that. Meaning they actually haven't found a meth gator. But with the amount of flushed drugs making its way into swamps, it's possible. So take it seriously. Right, meth cat?
GUTFELD: To be clear, they probably weren't on meth. Don't want to get sued by the cat or the gator. They never settle. All right. Mike, you've flushed a lot of drugs down the toilet.
BAKER: Yes. But you know, to be fair, it's all blood thinners and statins. So the waterfowl are in no danger whatsoever.
GUTFELD: The alligators in your area have great heart health.
BAKER: And by the way, when you said meth cat, I looked right over here. And that was -- I didn't mean to, but I thought you were directing your attention to --
TIMPF: So now, I am going to sue you.
BAKER: Yes, right. Right. Yes, well, I am a racist, apparently as well. I see that, yes. Yes, you know what, I've got nothing on this one.
TIMPF: Excellent preparation.
GUTFELD: Unlike those other segments.
TIMPF: A fellow who responds to another drug problem and then have nothing.
GUTFELD: This is a non-story, Stephen. There's no meth gators. But what I love about it is that these people actually believe people who take meth and flush meth would actually listen to a public service announcement.
GUTFELD: Like a meth head would go, "Oh my god, I don't want meth alligators." No, they'd be going, "Give me more meth."
MILLER: Yes. Who doesn't want them? Here's the only thing I noticed about the story. We always talk about drugs when I'm on this show. I've been on this show now three -- this is my third time, and every time we talk about drug. So maybe it's me. I'm going to defer to Kat on this. I saw meth gators, and I'm like I want to hear Kat's take.
GUTFELD: Well, everybody is jumping out of this.
MURDOCH: Oh, I can't wait, because I need the extra time.
TIMPF: I have a take.
GUTFELD: All right, give us your take.
TIMPF: I have a take.
GUTFELD: Meth cat.
TIMPF: I have a take -- don't say that. That'll catch on the internet. Okay.
GUTFELD: Why are you scratching?
TIMPF: Because I had an itch. Okay. Is that all right? My leg itched a little. I have a little bug bite right there.
GUTFELD: I don't see a bug bite.
TIMPF: Because a beetle bit me.
MURDOCH: Let her talk, Greg, come on.
TIMPF: Okay, I'm itching because I'm on meth. Whatever. Okay.
GUTFELD: Finally.
TIMPF: Anyway, so in the article, which I read, although that's not required on the show, but I read the article. It actually had one of the cops saying, "Give them to us instead."
TIMPF: So, really what this, in an elaborate ruse to try to arrest more people for nonviolent, victimless drug crimes. And I do not appreciate it, Greg, because, you know, have you ever seen it work out well, for someone if they give their drugs to the cops?
GUTFELD: No, it doesn't.
TIMPF: Usually that does not work well for them and their freedom to go outside.
TIMPF: So, I just would like to just hope Bret Baier is watching again. I'd be great on "Special Report." I read the articles.
MURDOCH: I saw her read this. She read this article aloud.
GUTFELD: Bret Baier is going to be doing a Special Report on meth gators.
TIMPF: Right. I know this is typically what he covers. So I think I'd be great.
GUTFELD: At first I thought meth gators were what you wore on your feet when you're doing meth. I'm running out.
MURDOCH: How dare every one of you laugh at that? Mind my sarcasm. You know, to Kat's point. This is a horrible bear trap. Because why do people flush drugs?
MURDOCH: Is it recreational fun? Is it? No, because there's a loud bang at the door saying "It's the police."
MURDOCH: And you your ass is going to jail. And you're just flushing the $800.00 stash, so no one willingly wants to flush their drugs down the toilet. You're doing it to avoid incarceration.
TIMPF: I've been doing it wrong.
MURDOCH: Right. Cool. To save time. And you know, I love -- you know how I feel about nature. You know I want to just leave it alone. But how bad is a meth gator really in the neighborhood? You've see people on meth, right? Their teeth fall out? That's a plus.
(Cheering and Applause)
GUTFELD: Got a point there.
MURDOCH: They're skinny.
GUTFELD: They're skinny, too. They're very skinny.
MURDOCH: They really don't want to do anything but get meth.
GUTFELD: Yes, yes.
MURDOCH: Yes, so I mean the only downside is seeing gators doing inappropriate things in the swamp for meth money. Nobody wants to see that. But you know, I'm just saying.
GUTFELD: I think you've raised the sophistication of this argument.
MURDOCH: Shut up, because we studied, Greg.
GUTFELD: I know, Mike -- it's too late. You already passed on this. No, this is like password. You pass, it's done.
MURDOCH: You already did. He said he saw a meth gator, he is like, "I am Mike Baker. I ain't going to read this."
GUTFELD: All right. All right, we've got to move on. Don't forget about "The Gutfeld Monologues Live." I'll be in Orlando and Atlanta in September, Jacksonville and Durham, North Carolina in November and Knoxville, Tennessee in December. All tickets for all shows are on sale now. Go to for ticket info.
(Cheering and Applause)
GUTFELD: We are out of time. Special thanks to Mike Baker who has a new show. Steven Miller, Kat and Tyrus, studio audience. I am Greg Gutfeld. I love you, America.
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