
This is a rush transcript from "On the Record ," July 24, 2008. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

GRETA VAN SUSTEREN, FOX NEWS HOST: Tonight: The missing toddler's mother speaks. For the first time, you will hear from the mother of missing 2- year-old Caylee Anthony. Now, Casey, mother, sits in jail tonight after failing to report her 2-year-old missing for more than a month. And tonight, police have released two 911 calls placed the day Caylee was reported missing. In the first call, Casey Anthony's mother, the child's grandmother, asked police to arrest her daughter for stealing her car.


911 OPERATOR: 911 (INAUDIBLE) happening?

CYNTHIA ANTHONY, GRANDMOTHER OF MISSING TODDLER: I have someone here that I need to be arrested in my home.

911 OPERATOR: In your house?

CYNTHIA ANTHONY: And I have a possible missing child. I have a 3- year-old that's been missing for a month.

Watch Greta's interview

911 OPERATOR: A 3-year-old?


911 OPERATOR: Have you reported that?

CYNTHIA ANTHONY: I'm trying to do that now, ma'am.

911 OPERATOR: OK. What did the person do that you need arrested?


911 OPERATOR: For what?

CYNTHIA ANTHONY: For stealing an auto and stealing money.


VAN SUSTEREN: Now, the grandmother, Cynthia, called 911 again later that day. And this time, the grandmother called 911 to report her granddaughter missing. Eventually, the grandmother passed the phone to her daughter, who is 2-year-old Caylee's mother. Now, listen closely. The call contains some important clues.


911 OPERATOR: 911. What's your emergency?

CYNTHIA ANTHONY: I called a little bit ago. The deputy sheriff (INAUDIBLE) I found out my granddaughter has been taken. She has been missing for a month. Her mother finally admitted that she's been missing.

911 OPERATOR: OK, what...

CYNTHIA ANTHONY: Get someone here now!

911 OPERATOR: OK. What is the address that you're calling from?

CYNTHIA ANTHONY: We're talking about a 3-year-old little girl! My daughter finally admitted that the baby-sitter stole her. I need to find her.

911 OPERATOR: Your daughter admitted that your -- the baby is where?

CYNTHIA ANTHONY: The baby-sitter took her a month ago, that my daughter's been looking for her. I told you my daughter was missing for a month. I just found her today, but I can't find my granddaughter. She just admitted to me that she's been trying to find her herself. There's something wrong. I found my daughter's car today, and it smells like there's been a dead body in the damn car!

911 OPERATOR: OK. What is the 3-year-old's name?

CYNTHIA ANTHONY: Caylee, C-A-Y-L-E-E, Anthony.

911 OPERATOR: Caylee Anthony?


VAN SUSTEREN: OK, is she white, black or Hispanic?


911 OPERATOR: How long has she been missing for?

CYNTHIA ANTHONY: I have not seen her since the 7th of June.

911 OPERATOR: What is her date of birth?

CYNTHIA ANTHONY: It's 8-9-2000 -- oh, God, she's 3. She's 2005. (INAUDIBLE) Casey says Zanny took her a month ago! She's been missing for a month.

911 OPERATOR: OK, I just -- can -- I need -- I understand -- can you just -- can you calm down for me for just a minute? I need to know what's going on, OK? I'm going to try and...


911 OPERATOR: Is your daughter there?

CYNTHIA ANTHONY: I'm on the phone with them!

911 OPERATOR: Is your daughter there?


911 OPERATOR: Can I speak with her? Do you mind if I speak with her? Thank you.

CYNTHIA ANTHONY: I called them two hours ago and they haven't gotten here. [unintelligible] Zanny took her a month ago. (INAUDIBLE) find her.

911 OPERATOR: Ma'am? Ma'am?

CYNTHIA ANTHONY: (INAUDIBLE) they want to talk to you.


911 OPERATOR: Hello?


911 OPERATOR: Hi. Well, can you tell me what's going on a little bit?


911 OPERATOR: Can you tell me a little bit what's going on?

CASEY ANTHONY: My daughter has been missing for the last 31 days.

911 OPERATOR: And you know who has her?

CASEY ANTHONY: I know who has her. I've tried to contact her. I actually received a phone call today now from a number that is no longer in service. I did get to speak to my daughter for about a moment, about a minute.

911 OPERATOR: OK, did you guys call and report a vehicle stolen?

CASEY ANTHONY: Yes, my mom did.

911 OPERATOR: (INAUDIBLE) vehicle stolen, too?

CASEY ANTHONY: No, this is my vehicle.

911 OPERATOR: What vehicle was stolen?

CASEY ANTHONY: It's a '98 Pontiac Sunfire.

911 OPERATOR: OK, I have deputies on the way to you right now for that. But now your -- now your 3-year-old (INAUDIBLE) missing, Caylee Anthony.


911 OPERATOR: White female...

CASEY ANTHONY: Caylee Marie Anthony. Yes, white female.

911 OPERATOR: Three years old, 8-9-2005 is the date of birth?


911 OPERATOR: And you last saw her a month ago?

CASEY ANTHONY: Thirty-one days. Thirty-one days.

911 OPERATOR: Who has her? Do you have a name?

CASEY ANTHONY: Her name is Zenaida Fernandez-Gonzalez.

911 OPERATOR: Who is that, the baby-sitter?

CASEY ANTHONY: She's been my nanny for about a year-and-a-half, almost two years.

911 OPERATOR: Why are you calling now? Why didn't you call 31 days ago?

CASEY ANTHONY: I have been looking for her and have gone through other resources to try to find her, which was stupid.


VAN SUSTEREN: Now, earlier today, the grandmother of the child explained the content of the 911 calls.


CYNTHIA ANTHONY: What happens when you go -- you find someone that's not where they said that they were going to be for a couple of weeks, and then does not produce your granddaughter that's supposed to be with her every day? I was upset with her. I told her, Lead me to them. She goes, I can't, Mom. So I said, Well, I'm going to have the police help me find her. And she said thank you because -- she thanked me for calling the police, OK? I called 911 because I did not know what to do, OK?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: (INAUDIBLE) more concerned about the car, so much that the granddaughter...

CYNTHIA ANTHONY: Well, I didn't know at the time. Casey didn't tell me that she had been kidnapped. All she told me is that she could not take me to her. That wasn't a good enough answer. So I just said to get the police out here, that she did not bring the car back to me. I admit -- and I told them when they came that night that I said that. And then when she told us before they came, I made another 911 phone call and I said, My daughter just admitted that my granddaughter had been kidnapped. Please -- because the first 911 call, they said that they would send someone out whenever they had availability. So as soon as I found out when she said that Caylee had been kidnapped, I called again and I said, We can't wait. You have to send one now.


VAN SUSTEREN: Joining us live in Orlando in Rozzie Franco, a reporter for Florida News Network. Rozzie, of course, the first thing that sends a red flag up for just about everybody is in this call, the grandmother says that the smell is like there has been a dead body in the damn car, and then later has been saying that it was some smelly pizza in the car. So I imagine everyone's pretty suspicious down there tonight of somebody.

ROZZIE FRANCO, WFLA, FLORIDA NEWS NETWORK: Absolutely, Greta. And this case gets more and more bizarre as it unfolds. Now, when you referred to the pizza that Cindy Anthony said was left in the car, Deputy Carlos Padilla (ph) from the Orange County sheriff's office says pizza -- a week- old pizza and a dead body do not smell the same. In addition, she mentioned that it could have been the smell of a dead body in that first 911 call.

VAN SUSTEREN: All right. What happened between about June 7 and the time of those 911 calls? Where did the grandmother think her daughter was with this child?

FRANCO: According to Cindy Anthony, she was questioning Casey Anthony where Caylee Anthony was. And Casey Anthony kept saying she was asleep, she was at Disney. She would just make excuses for where Caylee was. And then finally, Cindy sat down with her and said -- after she realized her car was impounded, and said, Where is my granddaughter? And then when she realized her granddaughter was -- she did not know the whereabouts of her granddaughter, she decided to call 911.

Now, what's interesting about the first 911 call is that she's very calm. And then in the second 911 call, she's very frantic. She realizes her granddaughter's disappeared. Well, when she passes the phone over to Casey Anthony, the mother of Caylee Anthony, so the 911 dispatcher could get a clear story, Casey Anthony's reaction is almost stoic. I mean, she's reporting this as if she's reporting like she's got a suspended license. She says, My daughter has been missing for 31 days. I mean, anyone that has a daughter that's been missing for 31 days might have a different reaction.

VAN SUSTEREN: The mother is sitting in the jail tonight, has not made bond. Is she talking to the police to -- I mean, I hate to say this word, but help them find the child? I mean, look, everybody's suspicious of the mother, at this point, but what's the -- what's the daughter in jail -- is she talking to the police?

FRANCO: Casey Anthony is not talking to police. Her criminal defense attorney, Jose Baez, has refused Orange County investigators to actually talk to Casey. And she says she's not coming forward. Anything that she comes forward with it's going to be through the attorney. But at this point, she's not come forward. Her bail is set at half a million dollars.

VAN SUSTEREN: Rozzie, thank you.

Now, the jailed mother's family has been trying to get enough money to bail her out of jail. The family needs $50,000. That is the 10 percent required of the $500,000 bond set by the judge. But today, Casey's lawyer said the family -- well, they just can't gather that much cash. He also says the bail is excessive for the crimes the mother's accused of, and he's asking the court to reconsider her bail amount.

Let's bring in the panel. In San Francisco, criminal defense attorney Michael Cardoza, in Los Angeles, attorney Gloria Allred, and here in D.C., criminal defense attorneys Ted Williams and Bernie Grimm.

Gloria, let me go to you first. Do you want to take a pass at this story and tell me -- what do you think?

GLORIA ALLRED, VICTIMS' RIGHTS ATTORNEY: Well, I think that, obviously, there is a cause for concern. If a mother who supposedly is so close to her child, so bonded, that there are photos of the two of them all over the home, doesn't report to the police or to others who could assist, the authorities who could assist in finding the child for such a length of time that her child is missing, well, you know, naturally, it's going to raise an eyebrow. Naturally, everybody's going to be concerned.

Maybe there are mental health issues. Maybe there are drug issues. Maybe there's both. Or maybe there's some other explanation completely. But somebody's got to get to the bottom of where this little baby is.


TED WILLIAMS, CRIMINAL DEFENSE ATTORNEY: Boy, I can tell you, these two tapes that you played at the beginning of the show are riveting. I, as a former homicide detective, tried to dissect them in an expeditious manner. And I got to tell you, I would be suspicious at this juncture, to be candid with you, of the grandmother also. I did not like the fact that when she initially called, she talked about a car, and then to know that her grandchild has been missing for all of this time and knowing...

VAN SUSTEREN: You know...

WILLIAMS: Greta, something is...

VAN SUSTEREN: ... What's funny?

WILLIAMS: ... Smelly here.

VAN SUSTEREN: I -- you know, I'm not. I mean, the grandmother's...


VAN SUSTEREN: ... Made some bizarre statements and gone from pizza -- from dead bodies to pizza. I mean, she's in terrible distress. Look, the daughter is stealing cars, stealing money.

WILLIAMS: But Greta, what would she...



BERNIE GRIMM, CRIMINAL DEFENSE ATTORNEY: You know, I'm with Ted on the grandmother. But like Ted, I listened to the 911 call, the last one, where Grandma says -- the 911 call -- dispatcher says, Can I talk to your daughter if she's there? She says, They want to talk to you. And I'm pretty certain I hear the daughter say, quote, unquote, "Why do they want to talk to me?" I mean, my God, your daughter's been missing for 31 days.

And you know, I hear Gloria saying, you know, well, where is this girl? Where are they going to find her? I mean, I don't think she's going to be found and be on this side with us. It's very, very distressing. When you look at pictures of this poor little girl that are posted now, it breaks your heart.

WILLIAMS: It does.

VAN SUSTEREN: Michael, I can't imagine there's a single person watching the show that isn't enormously suspicion of that mother who sits in jail tonight. If she really cared, she'd be helping the police.

MICHAEL CARDOZA, CRIMINAL DEFENSE ATTORNEY: There's no question about that. But on this one, I'm with you, Greta, because I don't think the grandmother's involved with this one, just the way she's acting. And what a horrible position to be in. She's got a daughter that she loves and a granddaughter that she loves. So what does she do? I mean, it's a terrible, terrible position.

And then you get to the bail that they raised, the $500,000 to keep her in jail, you've got an attorney saying it's an onerous bail. It may well be for the charges, but with the daughter missing, I've got to tell you, they're taking an appeal, it won't be reversed.

VAN SUSTEREN: And you know what...

CARDOZA: That $500,000 will stay right in place.

VAN SUSTEREN: I don't know of any mother, if the mother thought a child was kidnapped, would be playing mum tonight in the jail. … You know, they'd be helping the police try to find her. All right, panel, stand by.

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