
This is a rush transcript from "Hannity," December 15, 2014. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

SEAN HANNITY, HOST: Joining me now with more is the man that killed Usama bin Laden, former Navy SEAL Rob O'Neill. If it was your kid, just -- what would you do?

ROB O'NEILL, FMR. NAVY SEAL: Well, I agree with your previous guest -- can you hear me?

HANNITY: Yes, go ahead.

O'NEILL: I agree with your previous guest that it's proper to use what works. And what works are going to be techniques that do work, you know, playing loud music, sleep deprivation, stress position, something that makes them uncomfortable, something that gets them out of their comfort zone. If they're claustrophobic and you put them in a tight space, then you can come in later, be it a few hours -- you know, a number of hours later, and then you can start to relieve some of it.

It's going to work. They're going to change their tune. Torture -- if you can walk away from it as soon as it ends, it's not torture. These are just techniques that can be used to find the truth, find them in a lie and then exploit it.

HANNITY: Rob, I know that a lot of my friends that have become Navy SEALs and trained military people, they themselves went through many of these techniques that were used on people like Zubaydah and KSM. Did you have to go through any of that in your training

O'NEILL: Oh, yes. They used all kinds of techniques on us to make it very, very uncomfortable. We have stuff that's called -- surf torture, drown proofing, things like that. If some of these human watch people actually saw SEAL training, they'd probably try to cancel it and we'd lose some of our best military personnel in the world.

HANNITY: And it makes you stronger as somebody that needs to go out into these dangerous situations, does it not?

O'NEILL: No, of course it does, too. It, you know, can be used both ways. It's used on us to teach us that we can make our bodies do anything that we want through our minds. We use our minds to convince ourselves to do that.

HANNITY: I just can't believe that if we'd be nicer to them, if only we'd put little please and sugar on top, that that would work, especially in light of a real-life situation where we need that intelligence that would, hopefully, save American lives, considering we were attacked and 3,000 Americans died, which you were thinking about as you shot bin Laden.

O'NEILL: Well, yes, I mean, so Khalid Sheikh Mohammed gave us intelligence that led to the courier that led to bin Laden, and we had him for a long, long time. And it's not because we got nicer and we served him better tea. It's because they were using techniques that weren't torture but they were definitely uncomfortable, and like I said, they got him out of his comfort zone.

And then once he -- you know, he was pushed to a point, they were relieved and he started to talk. And it's just -- simple interrogation tactics that work. Like I said, torture's something that causes irreversible damage. You don't walk away from it. And just the sensation of drowning that ends as soon as you stop doing it -- it's just -- it's not comfortable, but it's not torture.

HANNITY: All right. Rob O'Neill, the man that shot bin Laden, an American hero. Sir, thank you for being back with us. Appreciate it.

O'NEILL: Thanks, Sean.

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