Gutfeld: Press secretly happy Hillary keeps them at distance
Clinton ropes off reporters in New Hampshire
This is a rush transcript from "The Five," July 6, 2015. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.
GREG GUTFELD, CO-HOST: Hello, everyone. I'm Greg Gutfeld along with Kimberly Guilfoyle, Juan Williams, Eric Bolling and Katie Pavlich -- "The Five."
Hillary doesn't care for borders unless they're around reporters.
Witness the July 4th parade in New Hampshire where she had her mopey minions cinch reporters from her majesty, protecting her from their sweaty paws, lame questions and relentless Starbucks breath.
Initially, the reporters were allowed to mull around this rarely seen political sasquatch, but then were herded away like pimply faced One Direction fans as if their unimportance was as contagious as herpes. It was a rodeo without saddles.
But do you blame Hillary? Hearing the press complain about being pulled by a rope is a little rich, after being happily lassoed for seven years by Captain Awesome. The fact is Hillary should expect nothing less than a pack of leashed puppies around her ankles, since the press already toes her gender rich line.
Locked into the historical first strategy soaked in a sea of identity politics, the press knows Hillary is entitled to the crown. And while they might complain about the quarantine, it beats having to question her at all about e-mails, Benghazi and that foundation. Which is cool because who wants to make her uncomfortable with the facts? If you do that, a Republican might win. See, the press is secretly grateful that they're being kept at a distance. It is exactly what they need to keep them from doing their job.
And so Hillary isn't really shielding herself from reporters. She's boxed them in with their own progressive assumptions. Knowing they can't challenge her entitled throne, the press is now just pet turtles in a shoebox, you sometimes forget to feed.
Juan, truth is, all politicians do this especially in parades and times of disaster side, they've got to manage the press, to keep a clean shot of the, you know for photographs, but this doesn't work for her, does it?
WILLIAMS: You know why?
WILLIAMS: Because Greg Gutfeld opened The Five on Monday, lambasting her.
WILLIAMS: And making her look like she was out there, you know, with the circus, with the whip and those opposing tigers, the press look like a bunch of kitty cats, right?
WILLIAMS: So it hurts her. It hurts the press, but it's who thinks much of reporters anyway. But it really hurt her because it played into all of the republican narrative that this is just a coronation.
GUTFELD: Yeah, exactly. Eric, it's.
BOLLING: Is it not a coronation?
WILLIAMS: Well, given the republican -- the candidate's republican is putting up, it might be.
BOLLING: She can't pull this garbage and still have a commanding lead over the very, very far distance (inaudible) she sure contempt to the press.
BOLLING: She doesn't care. But then, there's a reason she doesn't care because she doesn't have to care because she doesn't have a credible challenger, so she can continue to play the game. The reason why she does it is because if God forbid that rope is not there and Ed Henry gets close enough to her to ask a question, again, she has to answer because the cameras are rolling.
BOLLING: And this is much easier for her doing this way. Also, the news broke today that Hillary Clinton's first interview as candidate Clinton, will be with the CNN reporter who attended one of Hillary Clinton's aide's weddings a couple weeks ago.
BOLLING: I mean, how much -- look, you really want to show what you're made of? Come on the Fox. Go sit down with Bret Baier or O'Reilly. Sit down with someone whose going to ask you a tough question, not someone who you just had when your aide's weddings. They hang out with (inaudible), oh, there's a good one to go from my first interview.
GUTFELD: But, OK, just devil's advocate here. A lot of these people just know everybody.
WILLIAMS: That's right.
GUTFELD: Correct?
PAVLICH: Correct.
GUTFELD: We all, I mean, we both -- I've been to liberal weddings. I've been to conservative weddings. I've been to.
GUTFELD: Only your weddings.
GUILFOYLE: Well, I mean, I don't have time for anybody else's wedding.
GUTFELD: But isn't this the perfect visual for the kind of the queen of quarantine?
GUILFOYLE: Yeah. I mean, it's ridiculous. But the thing is she's still going to get away with it. That's what so preposterous. So she's already acting like she's got this in the bag, it's like, you know roping everybody off, step back, step back. And of course, she's not going the get challenged, so he's going to go for the layup. She's going to go for the three point shot and take the risk. She's going to go in where she knows that's safe and easy. She's got it all blocked off and she's you know, straight down her lane and put it right in, cronyism.
GUTFELD: Ok. I'm going to show you some of the media reaction from all around America. It was astounding.
PETER BAKER, NEW YORK TIMES: It reinforces our role as the herd. You know, it is unfortunate for her because it definitely provides an image that looks scripted, it looks controlled. Do you saw that picture of Jeb Bush? It's kind of like, sitting there, waiving into to the crowd and he -- the questions are uncomfortable, he's going to answer them. She has not given that impression and the rope doesn't help in that image.
JOHN AVLON, DAILY BEAST EDITOR-IN-CHIEF: Reporters are not cattle contrary to popular reputation. And look, apparently this is a play the Clintons used in the 1990s. Here's the thing, it doesn't work in the Smartphone era. Here's the other thing, politics falls a line on physics. Like every action creates an equal and opposite reaction and if you treat the press core with contempt, you're going to get contempt back.
PAVLICH: Oh, yeah right.
PAVLICH: I - look, we can all talk about Hillary Clinton pulling this through, with her being responsible. So I think this is actually really embarrassing for the press. I mean who goes to something like this after months and months after being treated poorly by the Clinton campaign. Being kicked out, being told she had not come, not getting interviews with the candidates and goes sure, I'll walk in a rope and back pedal down the street, in front of hundreds of people filled up on the side of the parade. I mean, I think that the press has a responsibility to say, no, I'm not going to go inside the rope. And I'm not going to --
GUILFOYLE: Enough is enough.
PAVLICH: Not going to do my job that way.
BOLLING: 100 percent right. It's their fault.
BOLLING: Absolutely. She, look.
PAVLICH: I mean, what are you doing? Where's the pride in your work as a journalist? I mean, and it is true, I don't think that they really feel that mistreated by Hillary Clinton because if they did, they would stop covering her, the best option.
GUTFELD: But they often loved to be part of the story, right?
PAVLICH: Right, exactly.
GUTFELD: The story is about them and not her.
BOLLING: Or they're such a lap dog. Remember when she was Hillary Clinton, about to announce her candidacy and they follow the van around. And they were falling over themselves just to get that glimpse of the.
GUILFOYLE: Remember the Scooby van?
BOLLING: Scooby van.
GUILFOYLE: They're chasing each other.
BOLLING: Look, it's.
GUILFOYLE: They deserve an electric fence to zap them.
BOLLING: Hillary Clinton's campaign, its women's world cup. She's a four to nothing. It's early in the game but she's still afforded nothing. She's not going to take any chances.
PAVLICH: But you know the press.
BOLLING: Like, they score couple of goals out there. Some of those get in the race, maybe she doesn't.
PAVLICH: I just don't feel bad when they complain now. I mean, it's like you're going to walk in a rope backwards in front of hundreds of spectators and be embarrassed of the journalist? I mean, I don't really have to be.
WILLIAMS: Let me just put in a word for reality.
WILLIAMS: Which is that if you've ever covered the White House or any of these major presidential campaigns, they do, they -- you travel in a plane. They put you in a bus. They put you in a pen when the speech is going on.
PAVLICH: Like a (inaudible)?
WILLIAMS: They do.
GUTFELD: They do, but they a little -- a truck.
WILLIAMS: Yes. I'm just saying.
GUTFELD: Flat bed truck in the front.
WILLIAMS: Yeah because what.
BOLLING: What was the point of the moving rope?
WILLIAMS: No, no. They want it -- well.
PAVLICH: That was, Juan.
WILLIAMS: Here's the Clinton law.
PAVLICH: As someone who has actually covered presidential campaigns.
PAVLICH: Gone to debates.
WILLIAMS: I have, yeah.
PAVLICH: She's been on the campaign trail.
PAVLICH: Just as you have.
PAVLICH: I've done that too.
GUILFOYLE: She thinks she has.
PAVLICH: This is a whole new level of embarrassment and not doing your job the right way. I mean, what was the protocol here?
WILLIAMS: What are you going to do?
PAVLICH: We're going to have you walked inside a rope backwards?
WILLIAMS: No, no. They produce the rope.
PAVLICH: I mean, who says yes to that?
WILLIAMS: So here's the argument.
PAVLICH: Who says yes to that?
WILLIAMS: Here's the argument from the Clinton people, which is that Mrs. Clinton thought about her '08 campaign, decided that she played badly and she wanted to do a better job of reaching out politics. Actually, reaching out, touching people, talking to people individually and she didn't want the press to get in the way. This wasn't press con, it was campaign, though.
GUILFOYLE: Really, really looks horrendous.
GUILFOYLE: It is. It's like.
WILLIAMS: That's what I said.
GUILFOYLE: It's like the whole press got Cesar Millan. It's like somebody came like dog whisper to them and they're like yes, yes and they're like zombie reporters and.
GUTFELD: But didn't make it as that -- one guy said, did it make Jeb Bush look better because he went out there and risk the --
WILLIAMS: Well, he did risk it. I give him hats off. And but he got beat up too. I mean, people were walking around, no more Bush's and.
WILLIAMS: No (inaudible). You know, three in a row for the Bush's. But you what? He put up with it and he was so aggressive. He was waving in the people, they were telling him to hurry it up.
BOLLING: That's because he has competition. That's why it went on the democrats.
BOLLING: No, competition. You don't have to take chances. You don't have to answer the question. You don't have to go into the middle of the crowd and get harassed by a young guy, four, five times.
BOLLING: About no more Bush's. If he had a 50 point leads over his number two.
BOLLING: I -- my guess is he wouldn't take those chances.
GUTFELD: And again, you know, it goes back to the brilliant strategy of the democrats. They've always been able to find the one and they unite behind them and then you have Bernie Sanders and just there for show.
GUILFOYLE: Which was scary how many people showed up for him, scary me America?
GUTFELD: Well, they keep confusing him for Colonel Sanders.
GUILFOYLE: Is that what it is?
GUILFOYLE: It's a chicken.
GUTFELD: Chicken, all right.
GUILFOYLE: So delicious.
GUTFELD: Let's play the campaign response to their defense of the rope.
JENNIFER PALMIERI, COMMUNICATIONS DIRECTOR HILLARY FOR AMERICA: We were trying to allow as much access as possible, but my view is it can't get in the way of her being able to campaign, right?
PALMIERI: So we have -- we're doing smaller events. That's really important to her. That's like the foundation that she wants to get and at the beginning of the campaign and talking with voters.
PALMIERI: So we have -- what we tried here was, I mean, you could do a thing where you preset press along the way.
GUTFELD: So, how was that? That was kind of mushy.
WILLIAMS: Yeah. Well, I mean, that's why I mean, I don't -- I think for Jennifer Palmieri, who I know. I mean, but I just think she made a mistake here because they have played so badly for the Clinton campaign.
BOLLING: She admitted as much, though.
BOLLING: If you listen to that whole interview, she got -- they pushback Nicole Walsh, pushes back on her. And Nicole said, what we used to do is we put the candidate up on a pickup truck or something and it would keep -- it would naturally keep the press away.
BOLLING: And Palmieri said, well, we don't have those kinds of vehicles yet. It was like we have $2 billion.
BOLLING: Don't have enough -- the money to buy a pick up -- you just blew it. And then -- that will refreshing.
PAVLICH: But the thing is true. They had been keeping Hillary Clinton so close and away from the press, it wouldn't be this feeding frenzy every time she shows up somewhere, right? So if they allowed her to actually sit down with more than reporters or anchors who they like, then maybe the press will be more inclined.
WILLIAMS: Well, I think.
PAVLICH: To leave her alone when she's at the parade and when she talk to people.
WILLIAMS: the thing is that is her staff or is it her?
GUTFELD: I think they're terrified of her.
GUTFELD: They don't want to push her.
WILLIAMS: Well, right. Well, who would be? You want to go take her on?
GUILFOYLE: Yeah, but I think either way is that, whether a terror is that. The result is the same. It's still for her candidacy. So.
WILLIAMS: Right. But she's getting beat up, I think on the foundation stuff, on the e-mail, and she's not responded. So they're paying a big price.
GUTFELD: Well, you know, how it hurts, she works for this network. You might have seen her around the.
GUILFOYLE: Yeah. I was met.
GUTFELD: She hangs out there a lot. You know I said that this news is that Hillary will be -- I love this, granting interviews. I love that verb granting as opposed to be like being available.
GUTFELD: She is granting them. That seems fitting doesn't it?
GUILFOYLE: Royal family as.
GUTFELD: Yes. Yeah.
GUILFOYLE: Keeps knowing about that. Yeah, that's what it sounds like. She is going to go ahead and honor this because she will grant you the interview. But that's what's happening and she gets to pick and no one is going to criticize her about it. She's picking somebody that she's friendly with, that she knows who's going to be a softball.
GUILFOYLE: It is not going to be a contentious or make her like lose her temper or look bad.
GUILFOYLE: Smart move I guess. She's doing it. No one is checking her to know like, why not do it?
PAVLICH: The media is not going to point out what Eric did in terms of the CNN is getting that first big interview, being friends with someone on the Clinton aide who is going to the wedding. That part will get completely lost because the media often times doesn't like to disclose their conflict of interest. So even if she does a good job in the interview, that part will be ignored and people will see it as only that interview.
WILLIAMS: Well, you know, just to have another point of view. When Bush goes out, who does he talk to, right? He goes talks to Megyn Kelly, right? Or he goes talks to Hue Hewitt or other conservative outlets. I don't think that's great. I don't think -- I don't understand why they don't take the risk.
BOLLING: Juan, but they are also.
WILLIAMS: But they all who pray to God.
PAVLICH: I think that Megyn Kelly is (inaudible). BOLLING: Rand Paul and Chris Christie.
GUILFOYLE: Is he the cover of the magazine?
GUILFOYLE: They're in the independence.
BOLLING: On the MSNBC of the last couple of weeks.
WILLIAMS: I didn't hear you, what.
BOLLING: Rand Paul and Chris Christie are being asked the tough questions on the other network...
BOLLING: On MSNBC, all over the place.
WILLIAMS: I think go get them. You know, that's what I think. I more admire the candidate who is willing to get in the arena and fight. I don't like this stuff. I don't like this one-sided interview. I want to do softball.
GUILFOYLE: Yeah, but it depends on who is asking the questions.
GUILFOYLE: To be fair.
GUILFOYLE: So if you come here, you're going to get a fair shot. If they going to asked you question that matter.
WILLIAMS: Correct.
GUILFOYLE: They're not going to do softball. What -- it doesn't matter. What -- Megyn Kelly is not going to do that.
PAVLICH: Can I just a question on Jeb Bush.
PAVLICH: About Iraq that kind of tripped off on every other media outlet in the country a result. So you know, she asked with tough questions despite working for Fox.
GUTFELD: All right, ahead. The illegal immigrant who murdered a woman in San Francisco confesses on camera and explains exactly why he kept returning to that city, specifically after five deportations. That's next.
GUILFOYLE: It was another deadly weekend in Chicago. According to the Chicago Tribune, 10 people have been killed since Thursday and at least 55 others injured by gunfire. Among the dead, a 7-year-old boy shot in the chest while watching fireworks with his father. Police say his dad was a gang member and the bullet was meant for him. Here's Amari Brown's grieving mother.
AMBER HAILEY, MOTHER OF 7-YEAR-OLD KILLED: My baby was 7-years-old, 7. He had plans. He wanted to be somebody. How do you love him every day, keep wish you (inaudible) streets are not right. My baby didn't ask for this.
GUILFOYLE: Obviously, very upsetting to see a mother grieving like that and senseless violence. And how many times have we talked about Chicago and the loss of life and the murders, the homicides, there. And yet, you know, Eric, this is a town you come from.
BOLLING: My hometown.
BOLLING: Chicago. And now they are calling it Chiraq (ph). Yeah, it's insane that the numbers. I mean, it's not just -- in going off this year versus last year, the numbers are like 25 percent higher than they were last year of gun attacks, murders, and last year was a bad year. So some in the black community are saying we need to spend more money on programs and why not. It doesn't matter how much money is spent on programs. If the parents are giving the kids guidance and bringing their children up to steer clear of violence, this is what's going to end up happening. You'll going to have elevated murder rates. You'll going to have elevated crime rates. You'll have people crying about 7-year-old Amari Brown. There was another murder in a park that was named after the girl. I think it was a 11-year-old girl a year ago. She was murdered and they named a park -- and there was another murder there. What's going on in Chicago? I have no idea. I don't know how to stop it. This reminds me of the gangs in the 80s. Remember L.A. and all the gang violence and everyone just -- it's overwhelming.
GUILFOYLE: Well, but it's also they've got to improve policing and they've got to be able to get out there and canvas the streets because this is essentially an emergency situation. So you have to have cops out, like increase the forces if you need to, whatever you do. Stop, frisk, question, et cetera because you need to be able to get the gang members off the street, get the illegal guns off the street. I mean, to me it's -- we were able to do this and successfully in New York.
GUILFOYLE: Why can't they?
PAVLICH: The police chief actually noted and the police chief actually have been under fire for the last year. As Chicago Magazine did a whole story about how the police department was cooking the books and relabeling homicides and murders to make it look like the crime rate was going down. But in terms of the interview, he gave about this 7-year-old being killed. He says that we have to stop it and that the problem is that they're not prosecuting these guys. And that they have all these serious drug charges and they're not keeping them in jail, which is a major problem. When you have them committing these violent crimes, committing these illegal; acts and they're put back onto to the streets. And it is one thing if gangsters want to kill gangsters, but it's another when they're taking the lives of children, whether it's (inaudible) or this little boy that we saw over the weekend. I mean, it's awful. And they -- I think they're trying to do what they can, but they haven't done everything obviously.
GUILFOYLE: I know. Greg?
GUTFELD: Well, what you said about getting them off the streets. The father of the dead child had 45 arrests. That's a systemic disaster. It's -- we're often condemned by experts all around the world and in Europe that we're a nation of incarcerators. No, we're just bad, very bad at incarcerating. When foreigners say we're a nation of prisons, they should not come here for their vacations and enjoy our safe streets then because the reason why crime is on decline is because we have been incarcerating. We need however, to keep people in jail rather than turning it into a revolving door where people go in and people go out. And in communities, these poor communities, they've got to take the turf back from these gangs. They've got to create something more attractive than gang culture for young men. Gang culture offers identity and power. No different in ISIS. By the way, 161 killed in 151 days. Those are ISIS numbers. And you have to understand why are young men -- why do young men gravitate towards these kinds of groups? It's because it gives them identity and power which is lacking in the community. (inaudible) who has the toughest gun laws, some of the toughest. It's not about that, it's about how do you counter gang culture and offer something attractive and get these young men before the gangs get them, right?
GUILFOYLE: They're getting illegal guns. That's the problem.
GUILFOYLE: So you know, I mean, you have to go out and get the gang members off the street. They have to have a gang task force and there has to be aggressive policing to make sure so they know will not be tolerate. But that's not the message being sent in Chicago right now.
WILLIAMS: I don't know if that's true. I think that Mayor Emanuel, I think that the police are -- you know they are kind of tearing their hair out because they know how embarrassing this is. And they want to stop it. But I'm going to tell you, I think Greg is on to something. I think there's a culture here. I think it is a gang culture. I think it attracts young people.
GUILFOYLE: Oh, that's true.
WILLIAMS: And it's not just -- by the way, it's not just the little kid. You know when I'm walking down the street, the biggest threat to me is one of these guys makes some mistake. They want to rip you off. They want to rob you and they decide why not, you know. So I mean this is a terrible part of big city life. And it is not just Chicago, Eric. Man, I can tell you, it's all over the country.
BOLLING: No, no, Juan, it is.
BOLLING: If you look at the numbers, the rate of homicide per 100,000 in Chicago is like some five times that of New York.
WILLIAMS: Right. But you know.
BOLLING: Five times.
WILLIAMS: But I'm saying you go to cities with larger black populations. Philadelphia, Detroit, Washington, D.C., it's, you know it's an epidemic levels. You guys don't ever want to talk about easy access to guns, but I think guns are part of the problem and I got to tell you, but they don't run.
BOLLING: But they have this easy access to gun.
WILLIAMS: Most important is that they have, they have a lot of guns.
BOLLING: Since they don't. The bad guys don't.
WILLIAMS: The bad guys.
GUILFOYLE: Let's talk about something else. Talk about crimes in this crime segment. Now, there another series found in America, crimes committed by illegal immigrants in cities who grant them safe haven. 45-year-old Francisco Sanchez was deported five times, after committing seven felonies. But it made its way back to the sanctuary city of San Francisco and murdered 32-year-old Katherine Steinle. Here's his confession.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Did you shoot Kate Steinle? A lady who was down at Pier 14?
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Where did you get the gun?
SANCHEZ: In the ground. When the -- when the -- over there in the bench. I put my leg and I see the one T-shirt and then see over there something like that. That's when I hear boom, boom, three times.
GUILFOYLE: OK, well the feds say this tragedy could have been prevented if they had been notified of this suspect's release. Sanchez said he kept returning to San Francisco because he knew there would be no effort to deport him there. It's true. San Francisco is a sanctuary city. Something I was told to oppose to. Having work to the San Francisco District Attorney's Office. It's.
GUTFELD: Sanctuary city is the product of a progressive fantasy ideology, where feelings trump fact. It trumps safety and freedom that somehow the freedom of an illegal alien is more important than the people who live there. It's just makes of the police department doesn't ask about your status. So if you actually think, what are the consequences of that? When you don't ask people what they're doing there. You end up with people that are -- that should not be there. That should have been in jail or should have been at home, and instead -- this is -- one ever thinks of the consequences of feel-good progressive thinking. This is the consequence.
WILLIAMS: I don't think its feel good. I think it's realistic. I mean, you think about, this is New York, Philadelphia, Chicago, San Francisco, I think our big city is great. Why do they have these laws? Because what they find out is that you have a lot of people in the Hispanic community. He will not report crimes. Will not testify against criminals if they think this is going to lead to people being deported.
BOLLING: Well, is it bad or it's a push by these cities to provide sanctuary for people who want to stay here? They -- and look, what it ends up being and the feds don't push back. I mean this is clearly.
WILLIAMS: Right. That's true.
BOLLING: Violations of you know federal versus state.
BOLLING: Well, the states are saying, the cities are saying, screw you, feds. We're not playing by your rules. The feds could step it up. They could say, we're going to in there and demand local police departments, to share information with us. Right now, and I say, you can't go to San Francisco or Washington or New York and say, hey, who do you have their -- show me your illegal list. We're going to pick them up and deport them. They can't do that because it's sanctuary city.
WILLIAMS: Sanctuary city. That's -- you're right.
PAVLICH: they can't pass (ph).
WILLIAMS: The feds don't do it because the feds have made a policy decision, but you're right. It is in violation of the law.
BOLLING: The Obama administration.
WILLIAMS: No, no. It comes from every like. All administration has found this.
PAVLICH: I think it's.
WILLIAMS: Going back to Ronald Reagan, this has been.
PAVLICH: Ice agents (ph) are capable of going into cities, about the city's permission.
PAVLICH: To do raids and stuff likes that. But the point is that the Obama administration is not allowing ice age (ph) to go with.
PAVLICH: And arrest these people.
WILLIAMS: But the problem I think this is.
PAVLICH: So this is a systematic failure at all levels. Young women is dead, this is not an isolated incident. Just last year, there were two California sheriffs deputies who were killed by an illegal alien. Who was deported multiple times which is a failure of border policies. So it goes hand in hand, and to me, the White House response to this today, was amazing. Josh Earnest after the podium where -- do what have to say about what happen to San Francisco and his comment is, we're not going to say anything. I think that you should ask (inaudible) just about that. We're not going to comment on this specific case. Whether the Obama administration has released 50,000 plus criminal aliens with murder charges, rape charges, murder conviction on to the streets of America. And they don't want to comment on this specific case and that is his track record.
GUILFOYLE: She's right because the (inaudible) tells together. It's not just a -- you know, sanctuary city issue. It is also a federal issue because they are not enforcing the laws as written on the books. So it is a failure on their part. But obviously, immigration has been a very hot topic and Donald Trump taking a lot of heat for some of his comments on this exact issue and about crimes being committed. So let's take a listen to the GOP reaction about Trump and who is defending him.
JEB BUSH, 2016 PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: This is a guy who was a democrat for most of the last decade. I don't think he represents the Republican Party, and his views are way of the mainstream of what republicans think.
RICK PERRY, 2016 PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: I was offended by his remarks. Listen, Hispanics in America and Hispanics in Texas from the Alamo to Afghanistan, have been extraordinary people and citizens of our country and of our state.
TED CRUZ, 2016 PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: I commend him for shining a lot on an issue that the Washington (inaudible) doesn't want to discuss and namely that's the problems of the illegal immigration.
GUILFOYLE: All right, Eric. So they got a little bit of a mix there from which it appears.
BOLLING: Further divide.
BOLLING: Further divide of establish (inaudible). Further divide of established candidates and give the way when call far right conservative candidates, and that's part of the problem. The GOP is divided on yet another issue. Unfortunately, they have one side picking fights with the other side, it's not helpful.
PAVLICH: I don't think it has to be a divided issue. I think that there are two separate issues. I think that illegal immigration is one issue. And then this issue that we can take Donald Trump out of it, but this issue of illegal aliens committing violent, serious crimes is another serious issue. And I think that GOP candidates have an obligation to address the American people on what they're going to do about the violent part of it while they can talk about.
WILLIAMS: But Katie, Katie, those people shooting each other in Chicago, they're not illegal aliens.
PAVLICH: I'm talking about San Francisco.
WILLIAMS: Americans have a higher violent crime rate than the illegal immigrants.
BOLLING: That's -- I'm not sure to give that answer.
PAVLICH: I'm talking -- that's not, that's not the illegal immigration issue. There are two issues of illegal immigration. One is.
PAVLICH: The people who want to come here, who do work in Texas that Rick Perry is talking about. And then there's the other issue, which is a very violent portion of illegal immigrants who are coming here and killing Americans that should be addressed by GOP candidates and they have an obligation to distinguish the two when they do so.
GUTFELD: But, right now this is a false comparison comparing the rate of illegal immigrant crime to the rest of society because there's already a crime being committed, that is if you're in the country illegal. So that means every crime is evidence of a prior crime not being solved. If - they're not the same thing. It doesn't matter if it is 3 percent or 30 percent. The fact is none of those crimes should be committed because you should be enforcing the law.
PAVLICH: It shouldn't be here to begin, right, exactly.
GUTFELD: It should be enforcing the law so it doesn't happen.
GUTFELD: That's the key.
GUILFOYLE: I have to end it right there because I would like.
GUTFELD: Are you sure?
GUILFOYLE: I was loving it.
GUILFOYLE: Still to come on The Five, the World Cup, baby. Team USA making all of us proud to be Americans this weekend. Stay tuned.
BOLLING: Yesterday the people of Greece voted to reject a bailout offer from European creditors to keep the country's economy from crashing and keep Greece in the Eurozone. Today the debt-ridden nation is no closer to a solution, but the prime minister is supposed to offer new proposals at the European Union summit tomorrow. If Greece doesn't strike a deal, here's what one economics professor is warning could happen.
NICHOLAS ECONOMIDES, NYU ECONOMICS PROFESSOR: I'm afraid that there will be no deal. Greece will be out of the euro. It will have its own currency. And it will become a small country of the Middle East, subject to the whims of the bigger powers of the Middle East, such as Turkey. It will be a national disaster for Greece.
BOLLING: And that's what should happen, right?
GUTFELD: I agree, I agree. I mean, imagine, you know, if a few nautical miles before the iceberg, the Titanic passengers could vote on whether to hit it or not. They just voted to hit the iceberg.
This is financial terrorism in a way. They just voted not to pay their creditors. So if you're going to live -- if Greece is going to live like Venezuela, then you should be Venezuela. You should be treated like Venezuela. No more long vacations. No more pensions.
By the way, how can you not -- this is an attack on Europe. There are people that are going to have their taxes raised. They're going to have to lose their savings in order to pay the bailouts. How is that not an act of war? How is it?
BOLLING: Well, it's not an act of -- it's an act of financial "'F' you."
GUTFELD: Yes, yes.
BOLLING: It's Greece saying, "You know what? We owe you 300 billion euros, and we're not going to pay it. We're going to walk away."
GUTFELD: And they're ecstatic.
BOLLING: In their streets. Sixty-one percent of the vote.
PAVLICH: Greece needs to just get lost. Really. I'm so sick of them. They need to go to work. They need to pay their taxes. I think I saw on Neil Cavuto's show that they owe $86 billion in taxes to their government. We're paying taxes here in the United States. There are some people paying taxes in the rest of Europe. We are no longer dealing with you. Good riddance. Bye-bye. Get stuck (ph) for a while. And maybe that will make them actually turn themselves around.
WILLIAMS: Here's the thing, Katie.
PAVLICH: And make themselves have a better life.
GUILFOYLE: Tough love, yes.
WILLIAMS: You've got to -- you've got to take care of home, because you know, we've got to watch our markets. Now, the markets opened badly today, right? But I understand they recovered most of the losses.
But the thing is then what happens if the European Union starts to unravel? So what happens if -- and I think Eric was touching on this last week -- what happens if Portugal, Italy, Spain, all the other countries with economic problems decide, "Oh, the Greeks are the model. We'll tell everybody to get lost."
BOLLING: Even worse than if that happens would be if all the other countries who are having trouble -- a little bit of trouble, Spain, Ireland...
BOLLING: ... Portugal and say -- they say, "Wow, you Germans, you bailed out Greece. We owe you a lot of money, too. We're going to walk on our debt, too." That would be even worse.
I'm in a camp that -- that agrees on this side as you point out: tough financial love.
BOLLING: Get your house in order. Maybe you can come back into the Eurozone.
GUILFOYLE: Because it's also about example. So you can't -- I mean, nobody likes freeloaders. It doesn't matter if you make great yogurt. I don't care.
Suck it up. Get up in the morning. Go to work. You guys are retiring too early. I know you have great weather, but it doesn't matter. And that's part of the problem. You have, like, politicians making out-of-control promises, buying votes with entitlements that they can't support.
GUTFELD: They didn't pay taxes when it's...
GUILFOYLE: It's a joke. But guess what? Nobody is punishing them. Like when the dog pees on the rug, the puppy, like train it.
BOLLING: You know the old saying the problem. Thatcher or Reagan said the problem with socialism is eventually you run out of other people's money?
BOLLING: The problem with Greece is eventually they ran out of Germany's money.
GUTFELD: Yes, yes.
PAVLICH: God bless you, Germany.
BOLLING: Germany, they work.
All right. Next, "Shark Week" kicks off amid a string of recent new attacks on the East Coast. See some incredible new footage of the beasts of the sea.
WILLIAMS: Yikes. It's one of the most terrifying weeks on TV. "Shark Week" is underway.
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Looks like she's coming up. She's coming up. Holy (EXPLETIVE DELETED)! She's massive.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: This is its stomach, this cage. That is unbelievable.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Whoa! She's literally like a jumbo jet.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It really is the biggest shark I've ever seen in my entire life. It is gargantuan.
WILLIAMS: It's the Discovery Channel's 28th year of shark mania, but this year is going to be a little bit different, according to one of the filmmakers.
ANDY CASAGRANDE, CINEMATOGRAPHER: This year is going to focus more on conservation science, education. We're going to still have entertainment, but a lot of the audience wants to see more science and learn more about sharks and maybe a little less of, you know, the scary part and more of, like, the education. So you're going to have a bit of both.
WILLIAMS: And as people watch sharks on TV, another victim has come face to face with the reality in North Carolina. A hospital there confirming a man was bitten over the weekend on the coast. That makes it eight attacks in less than a month. He is, thankfully, OK.
Now Greg, this is very scary. Very scary that they are going to go away from scaring people to talk about science. Why are they doing this?
GUTFELD: Well, because sharks are often, I guess, getting a bad rap. They're basically dolphins without good P.R.
While we giddily yap about "Shark Week," sharks are actually celebrating "Human Week" in the Carolinas.
Here's a weird trend. In the 1970s, right, when this all started -- shark -- basically, "Jaws" was the first hate crime against sharks -- we used to have movies about sharks, piranhas, grizzlies. Do you remember "Grizzly" with Christopher George Willard? "Slither," which was about snakes. "Grizzly" -- did I say "Grizzly"? "Orca." All the villains were animals or nature, and the victims were humans.
And then suddenly, like, around the '80s or so, it switched. And now humans were the villains, and earth is the victim. And I somehow think that has to do with the tremendous guilt for immense wealth that all these people made off movies about animals killing us, and then they felt guilty about it. Now it's us as a catastrophe against Earth. We are the guilty party.
WILLIAMS: Well, you know what? Forty million people watched "Shark Week" last year. K.G., did you watch?
GUILFOYLE: I love "Shark Week." I mean, I prefer my sharks, to watch on TV versus anywhere near me or any of the water. I mean, honest to God, I'm scared to death of sharks. I don't think you can have kind of a pleasant experience with them. I mean, look, that shark is angry.
GUTFELD: That's sharkist.
GUILFOYLE: They need, like, shark Prozac or something.
WILLIAMS: Shark Prozac. But Eric.
GUILFOYLE: It's very interesting, and I like the science.
WILLIAMS: But Eric -- well, this is an interesting point that Kimberly raised about the (UNINTELLIGIBLE). Because two years ago, they created a fictional shark that had been dead for millions of years or something, and they said this was a real shark. It could be alive. We don't know if it's dead.
BOLLING: It's entertainment. I adore "Shark Week," as well.
GUILFOYLE: I adore it.
BOLLING: So what they need to do -- so they have this nice -- it's so entertaining.
BOLLING: I can watch it, like, top to bottom all day.
GUILFOYLE: And "Sharknado," yes.
BOLLING: They're trying to figure out what makes it entertaining in documentaries. Speaking of documentary, the best shark documentary, bar none: "Sharknado." Obviously. I love it.
GUTFELD: It's going to happen.
PAVLICH: That might happen.
GUILFOYLE: You and Ian Ziering.
BOLLING: So the best -- turns out the best way to kill a shark that's flying at you is with a chainsaw.
WILLIAMS: Is that right? So we need more blood, Katie.
PAVLICH: Yes. More chainsaws for the sharks that are going to be flying around your face.
Now I watched the extinct, maybe not extinct episode on "Shark Week," "The Megladon."
PAVLICH: and it kind of freaked me out. I'm not sure now. I'm not sure if it exists or not. So, you know, I'm like Kimberly. You don't go in the water and you don't go to the bottom of...
WILLIAMS: But you know what, Katie? Here is what Katie told me, that if I'm in the water and a shark is coming at me, the best thing to do: punch him in the nose.
PAVLICH: If your arm doesn't go in their mouth and they cut it off.
WILLIAMS: Well, I don't want my hand in a shark.
When "The Five" comes back, Team USA wins the World Cup, and we've got some celebrating to do, so stick around.
PAVLICH: Well, it was an incredible way to close out the Fourth of July weekend. Team USA beat Japan for a record third Women's World Cup title. Midfielder Carli Lloyd scored three of America's five goals within the first 16 minutes. Here's the champion on "FOX & Friends," some words of inspiration.
CARLI LLOYD, TEAM USA CAPTAIN: I love when people tell me I can't do something. That's what keeps me going, keeps me motivated.
You've got to work as hard as you can. As I like to say it, I empty the tank each and every day and outwork your opponents. And if you have a dream, that dream is attainable.
PAVLICH: Well, to Eric, our resident athlete.
BOLLING: I have a mea culpa. Because I was wildly, wildly into this game. And I've pushed back on soccer in the past.
GUILFOYLE: And who kept pulling you?
BOLLING: But I'm sitting in a restaurant, in a bar, and I'm screaming. I'm yelling.
Yes, you guys were on it. It was amazing. What a team. I mean, this is going to go down as one of the best teams, period, in all of sports. And the way they won, 5-2, in a World Cup and three goals, a hat trick by one of the players from midfield. One of those goals was scored literally at the midfield line. That is just insane.
GUILFOYLE: How sick is that?
GUILFOYLE: See? Women do it better, baby. I love it. I think it's fantastic. I've been playing soccer since I was in second grade. I think it is so fun, and I'm glad that this country is really embracing it and I'm glad the ladies led the way.
PAVLICH: Well, Greg, actually, there was a record shattered, on top of the World Cup, obviously. But there were 17 million American viewers, which is more than any -- for the game, men or women. Are you a fan of soccer in America?
GUTFELD: But I want to tell you -- I want to point out the difference between male and female soccer players. There are no phony theatrics by female players pretending to be hurt. I didn't see that once, where if you watch any game, any major game, men are always falling down, holding their ankles. Somebody will walk by a male player, and he will fall. But these women, they'll get knocked over; they just get back up and run.
PAVLICH: It's actually 26 million.
GUILFOYLE: And remember your favorite video?
GUTFELD: Which one?
GUILFOYLE: Soccer. They do bad things to each other to draw penalty, a foul. The one guy punches the other guy.
PAVLICH: Juan, did you watch the game on Fourth of July weekend as a patriotic duty?
WILLIAMS: No, I did not. I was watching baseball. But you know what? I just thought this was funny. I did watch when they played Germany, because I thought there was no way they're going to get by the German team. And boy, USA can play.
PAVLICH: They can play, and they did play. "One More Thing" is up next.
GUTFELD: Time for "One More Thing." I'm going to go first. Go to I've got a new column called "How to Elect a Candidate." It's absolutely brilliant. Anyway, it's at
Now this.
GUTFELD: Greg's Travel Tips.
GUTFELD: You know in the summertime everyone is going on vacation. I always say it's good to car pool like this crow did this on bald eagle. As you can see, the crow hopped on for a ride. He was visiting his parents at Ft. Lauderdale. Found the bald eagle on Craigslist, who happened to be going in the same direction. They split the tolls and the gas, and oddly enough they're now getting married.
GUILFOYLE: That's like "man with a van" on Craigslist.
GUTFELD: It really is, yes.
WILLIAMS: Is that real?
GUTFELD: Yes, that is real.
WILLIAMS: You didn't Photoshop it?
GUTFELD: No, I don't -- that's the problem with Photoshop. No one ever believes anything anymore. Nobody believes my pictures -- Eric.
BOLLING: OK. Tonight, look at the full screen. Big "Hannity." We have Ann Coulter, Sheriff Clark, and one Katie Pavlich.
BOLLING: They're going to be going heavy on this immigration debate, especially in light of the guy, the five-time deported illegal who came back and killed the girl in San Francisco. We're going to talk about all the fallout. We'll talk about Donald Trump, Jeb Bush, Rick Perry, Ted Cruz. Everything.
GUILFOYLE: That looked like she was riding on your back, getting a ride to...
BOLLING: No. She -- let's put it this way. She wrote the book on immigration.
BOLLING: A recent book that's just out. She's going to be...
GUILFOYLE: Best seller.
BOLLING: I'm guessing she's going to bring some fire.
GUILFOYLE: Best-seller. She always does. And Katie, as well.
So of course, never to leave any royal news behind, yes. Princess Charlotte was christened over the weekend in the same church that Princess Diana was baptized in back in 1961. St. Mary Magdelene in Norfolk, England. And believe it or not, the royal family is very conscious economically about saving money, because she wore the same little christening outfit as her brother, little Prince George. How cute is that?
BOLLING: Is that the same...
GUTFELD: I still wear my christening outfit.
GUILFOYLE: And that buggy is the same one that the queen used to push Prince Edward and Andrew around. I mean, that was so much trivia, wasn't it?
BOLLING: They cut corners.
GUILFOYLE: Saving money, the royal family.
GUTFELD: Juanzo.
WILLIAMS: Well, it was a star-spangled Saturday, July 4, for the Williams family. We went over to the Canadian embassy, the embassy closest to the capital.
GUTFELD: On the Fourth of July?
WILLIAMS: Yes, I'm telling you, the Canadians had a party. They even forgave Ben Franklin for trying to win control of Canada during the Declaration period.
GUILFOYLE: Are you Canadian?
WILLIAMS: I'm not Canadian. I had -- look, there I am in the photo booth with my wife and a friend there, Liam (ph), and we had a great time at the Canadian embassy. There's Rafi and his girlfriend, with Delise and I, overlooking the National Archives. And you can see the monument in the background. And there it is. Fourth of July, fabulous views, unbelievable. Star-spangled. I love fireworks. Let me tell you.
GUILFOYLE: I somehow lost the memo that this was some -- the Canadian embassy?
WILLIAMS: Yes, I'm telling you. The Canadian embassy is right over Pennsylvania Avenue.
GUILFOYLE: Oh, because you have a good view?
GUTFELD: So you were just using them for the view?
GUILFOYLE: That's what...
WILLIAMS: They like FOX.
PAVLICH: They do?
WILLIAMS: They like "The Five."
PAVLICH: Their view is awesome.
GUTFELD: All right.
GUILFOYLE: Nice. We're all in. We're coming.
GUTFELD: All right. Katie.
PAVLICH: All right. Here is an armed citizens update for you. Ex-CNN reporter Chuck de Caro and Lynn Russell were staying in a New Mexico motel recently when they were in the parking lot, and Lynn Russell was assaulted by a bad guy who was armed with a gun. He pushed his way into their hotel room -- motel room. And she handed her husband a purse with a firearm in it. A shootout ensued. The bad guy died; her husband was shot three times. He's going to live. So there you go.
And in a follow-up interview, she said, quote, "If you don't want to carry, please don't. But then shut the 'F' up about it."
PAVLICH: Make your own decisions. There you go.
GUILFOYLE: OK. Some people love killing, Katie Pavlich.
PAVLICH: No, just bad guys. I just think it's a good lesson for Juan.
GUTFELD: New Mexico and Motel 6, crazy stuff happens.
GUTFELD: You're going to get shot.
All right. Set your DVRs so you never miss an episode of "The Five." That's it for us. "Special Report" is up next.
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