
This is a rush transcript from "The Five," July 10, 2015. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

KIMBERLY GUILFOYLE, CO-HOST: Hello, everyone. I'm Kimberly Guilfoyle along with Geraldo Rivera, Eric Bolling, Dana Perino and Greg Gutfeld. It's 5 o'clock in New York City and this is "The Five."

32-year-old Kate Steinle was laid to rest yesterday after being fatally shot at the hands of an illegal immigrant who was deported from this country, five times. And while the debate over sanctuary cities is at the forefront of many conversations right now, the administration yet again, today, dodged the issue and placed the blame, of course, on republicans.


JOSH EARNEST, WHITE HOUSE PRESS SECRETARY: There are a lot of people who are eager to assign blame. I think we're eager to try and find some solutions. One thing that would help would be comprehensive immigration reform legislation. We have bipartisan comprehensive immigration reform legislation that passed the Senate and was blocked by the House of Representatives. That is not represents blaming them for a tragic death that obviously occurred, but it is blaming them for putting their own political interests and ambitions ahead of the public safety and national security of the United States. They do it frequently, and it is appalling and offensive.


GUILFOYLE: Last night, Megyn Kelly questioned why the Obama administration continues to cherry pick the tragedies it chooses to highlight.


MEGYN KELLY, THE KELLY FILE SHOW HOST: When asked repeatedly this week to speak to this case, White House spokesman Josh Earnest declined to weigh in, other than to refer folks to the department of Homeland Security. A stark contrast to what we saw after Michael Brown was killed in Ferguson, Missouri. His funeral? Saw three Obama officials in attendance. His death drew comments from President Obama, personally. And the administration also sent in the DOJ and 40 FBI agents, dispatched to Missouri after Michael Brown was killed. Where is the swarm of agents in San Francisco?


GUILFOYLE: An administration and a president who is cherry picking lives that matter. That's what it looks like to me. Dana.

DANA PERINO, CO-HOST: I think Megyn Kelly makes a very persuasive case and a good argument. And I think that -- it's interesting to me to think about the new Attorney General Loretta Lynch who has certainly has her hands full with a lot of things. I think in this case, she might be able to actually have some impact on sanctuary cities, in particular with the sheriff that is there in San Francisco who is actually, basically covering his rear end more than anybody else.


PERINO: Actually being a buffoon on television. He was so reckless by disregarding the request from the federal government to note -- being notified when he was going to be released. It's like firing into a crowd, basically that's what happened. It's like you let him go and then this resulted. I think that Megyn makes a persuasive case on that issue. I think that the White House is going to have to reckon with or just hope that the story goes away. They have decided to comment on some and not others and that's the danger of doing that because you end up in this situation.

GUILFOYLE: You make an important point. You bring in a legal distinction. I believe, Eric, that's very important which is they acted in conscious disregard of a known risk with a repeat offender, a recidivist. And they chose to put him back on the streets and put other lives at peril. Specifically, this girl about for their mouth ceases, who would be alive, breathing today.

ERIC BOLLING, CO-HOST: And how many more? We outlined yesterday, there are 300 jurisdictions now. They considered themselves sanctuary jurisdictions. So there, literally, could be more than half the country as a sanctuary for people who are criminals. Forget the fact that they broken the law by crossing the border. That aside, which I think is an issue. But however, even the felons, the ones that have committed murder, the ones that have committed drug trafficking, kidnapping, they're going back to these places because they know they're not going to get deported and therein lies the problem. Not only are they not going to get deported by the cities, the cities aren't -- the jurisdictions aren't going to turn over the information about these criminals to the ICE agents -- to the ICE, so that they can go ahead and deported. And there, I don't know why that they decided that these cities can violate federal law by harboring these criminals. I mean, that's really what they're doing.

GUILFOYLE: That's what they're doing. They call it sanctuary cities, but it's harboring criminals, harboring felons.

GREG GUTFELD, CO-HOST: First of all, we shouldn't be calling it cherry picking. We should be calling it berry picking because Barry is doing the picking.


GUTFELD: Good intentions should come with a warning label. You know, caution, tolerance, gets you.

GERALDO RIVERA, CO- HOST: I mean I don't get that, "Barry is doing the picking."

GUTFELD: Barry Obama.

GUILFOYLE: Barry Obama.

RIVERA: Oh, Barry, Barry. I didn't know you were like insulting the president.

GUTFELD: Yeah, that's what I do.

GUTFELD: Sanctuary cities.

RIVERA: I just want to be clear.

GUTFELD: Sanctuary cities are a lot like hitchhiking. And the abstract, it feels really good until you feel dead. And what I'm disappointed in is the sheriff. A sheriff isn't supposed to be a camp counselor. The sheriff for the village people would do a better job than him. It's really embarrassing. But what you're seeing is you're seeing everyday common sense to divorce from policy enforcement. You obviously at night would lock the doors to your house. You don't let strangers into your apartment. However, that simple logic has been abandoned by the people that are paid to protect you. It's this divorce of logic that becomes everyday because we see security as an attack on tolerance that somehow it's deemed mean to protect yourself. It's wrong to want to be safe and secure in your own country.

GUILFOYLE: Unbelievable. You have to almost apologize for saying, please enforce the laws. The laws, that they're receiving good federal dollars to be able to ensure for public safety, which is incumbent upon them to secure on the streets in San Francisco and in every city and state across this country. And instead, Geraldo, they are allowing individuals who are a risk, who are a threat, to come back in the country, routinely, regularly without any kind of checks and balances.

RIVERA: It does not surprise anymore in watching, that I disagree with almost everyone at this table, on this topic.

GUTFELD: But you didn't get my joke. That was the problem.

RIVERA: Because you mispronounced Barry as berry and I.

GUTFELD: Well, to rhyme with cherry.

PERINO: To rhyme with cherry.

RIVERA: Oh, yeah.


RIVERA: That was the problem. No laughing matter. The president.

GUTFELD: Sometimes Geraldo.


RIVERA: The president of the United States missed a teaching opportunity. First he should have called the family. He should have apologized for any role the federal government's incompetence played in this tragedy, this terrible loss, this scum dog still on the streets. He did three long terms in federal prison for felony re-entry. Let's not forget that. And still he came out. He was released and he committed this awful crime. The president could have used it as a teaching moment to say the following. This person in no way represents the undocumented immigrant population in this country. The 11, 12, 15 million, however many of that are here, the president of the United States could have said, commit fewer crimes than the citizens born in this country.

BOLLING: Which is, is wrong.

RIVERA: It is absolutely not wrong.

BOLLING: Which is unequivocally incorrect, Geraldo.

RIVERA: You are -- you, Eric.

BOLLING: You are completely wrong on this.

RIVERA: Eric, you are --

BOLLING: I give you -- listen.

RIVERA: And I will debate you specifically.

BOLLING: I have them.

RIVERA: I will.

BOLLING: I gave them to Juan last night. I'll give it to you tonight, if you want me. You let me know if you want them.

RIVERA: Your statistics tend to come from places like the heritage foundation and the center for immigration studies.

BOLLING: Would you like to accept --

RIVERA: Right-wing thinking.

BOLLING: Would you accept the U.S.--

RIVERA: No. Will let -- excuse me.

BOLLING: Would you accept --

RIVERA: Is it my turn to make my case.

BOLLING: Sure. Yeah.

RIVERA: And then you can rebut it?


RIVERA: OK. Here what is the Washington Post said yesterday, quote - I mean the fact checking, the nose things on the Washington Post.

GUTFELD: Pinocchio's.

RIVERA: "A range of studies shows there is no evidence immigrants commit more crime than native-born Americans." In fact, first generation immigrants are predisposed to lower crime rates than native-born Americans, that's point one. Point two, the two cities in this country most impacted by undocumented immigrants, you would think of the New York City with over 500,000 and Los Angeles, with a similar amount. Both those cities are among the safest in the free world.

BOLLING: Not because of anything you cited.

RIVERA: Los Angeles.

BOLLING: It has nothing to do with what you cited.

RIVERA: As the historic low crime rates not seen since the 1950s. New York, last month had the safest months in decades. Here are the cities that are the most dangerous, most deadly in this country. And this group can all agree what do they have in common? East St. Louis, Camden, Newark, Baltimore, Detroit, Trenton, New Orleans. You know what they have in common?


RIVERA: Virtually, no Latino populations.

BOLLING: All right.

RIVERA: So this is, this is where your murders are coming from, not from this population. The vast majority of whom, are hard-working, law-abiding, decent people.


GUTFELD: Let me just respond because I think you made an important point about those cities and I think you're right. But when you talk of this crime, why do you immediately assume that we're talking about Mexican immigrants? That's racist that you would assume that I'm not.

RIVERA: Oh, please. Don't give me that.

GUTFELD: I'm not.


GUTFELD: Do you actually.

RIVERA: Greg, Greg.

GUTFELD: No. Do you actually think that that was I think? When I saw that crime, I go oh, those darn Mexican immigrants.


GUTFELD: I never said that.

RIVERA: Give me the image -- your personal image. Illegal aliens. Give me your image right now and you tell me what you think.

GUTFELD: No, I have an image of.


GUTFELD: I have an image of a murderer. I'm not going to buy into that. I - -

RIVERA: Sneaking (ph) to Minnesota?

GUTFELD: Do you know what this is? This is like when you talk about Islamic terror. You go, oh, you're an Islamic -- you're Islamophobic because you besmirching all Muslims. No. I'm talking about Islamic terror.

RIVERA: The context.

GUTFELD: They're using the same argument. It's the same argument, Geraldo.

RIVERA: The context of Trump and his comments and everything you're talking about.

GUTFELD: I'm not Trump.

RIVERA: Is of a brown type.

GUTFELD: I'm not Trump.

RIVERA: Coming over the southern border. We are slandering a race of people and a nation.


GUTFELD: It's the same argument you used for Islamophobia. When somebody talks about the war on terror you go, oh, my god, you're attacking Muslims.


GUTFELD: No, we're not.

RIVERA: You want to make a community safer? Have more undocumented immigrants in this statistic.


GUTFELD: That is not a persuasive argument Geraldo. But I'm talking about.

BOLLING: But it's not accurate.

GUTFELD: The fact that you are accusing.

BOLLING: Geraldo is being persuasive and wrong. Washington Post is unequivocally wrong on this, Geraldo. Here are the numbers. They represent the illegals. Illegals represent 3 percent of the population, right? 11 million of 319 million.

RIVERA: 3.5 percent.

BOLLING: 3.4-1/2 percent to be exactly accurate. So 3.4 percent of population commits, 18 percent of the drug trafficking in America. Not just of any subset.

RIVERA: How do you know that?

BOLLING: Hold on.

RIVERA: How do you know that?

BOLLING: Let me give you two more, 25 percent of the kidnappings, 56 percent of all drug possessions, federal convictions. How do I know it, Geraldo? It's not Washington Post or right-wing heritage blogs. Here's where it comes from. The United States Sentencing Commission, an agency of the judicial branch of the United States government. Those are the facts, Geraldo. You can bring your Washington Post, B.S. numbers all you want. Go to the source.

RIVERA: You live here.


GERALDO: You live in this city.

BOLLING: Oh my, God. Just look at the numbers.

GUILFOYLE: All right.

RIVERA: When was the last time you heard of an undocumented immigrant doing something?

GUILFOYLE: All right, let's do this. Eric?

BOLLING: They happen all the time. I have five pages of it.


BOLLING: Bring me 75 pages.

GUILFOYLE: Let's post.

RIVERA: You talked about cherry picking.

GUILFOYLE: Why don't you post those numbers so people gonna have them available. You can put them on.

BOLLING: Absolutely.

GUILFOYLE: The Five Facebook page.


BOLLING: You look for yourself, United States Sentencing Committee.


BOLLING: USSC, look it up yourself.

GUILFOYLE: And moving right along into another episode of ineffectual leadership that is rot and fraught with political ideology and police politics, making us unsafe in America. Let's listen to the useless sheriff from San Francisco, Ross Mirkarimi.


ROSS MIRKARIMI, SAN FRANCISCO SHERIFF: I find it incredibly sad and incomprehensible that this tragedy is being used as a platform for political gains. We want to set the record straight. Two federal courts have held that ICE detainers are not legal and violate the fourth amendment. Had ICE Sought the requested legal order or warrant? The San Francisco sheriff's department naturally, and will always comply.


GUILFOYLE: And unfortunately, for the sheriff of San Francisco, ICE has just released a statement moments ago, saying that they strongly disagree with the facts and characterization of this case that that man has just told the people, essentially saying, you lied.

PERINO: Well, it's not just the federal government that's saying that the man -- that the sheriff is wrong. The mayor of San Francisco has actually said that.


PERINO: The sheriff is wrong. So there's -- and I also think that we can all agree, whether you're in San Francisco or the federal government, that having somebody who is a convicted felon re-import into the United States who has a criminal record, should not be here. I actually think the most compassionate thing that you could do for an immigrant community is to make sure that the criminals are not allowed to be a part of it, which would help make Geraldo's point that he suggested that the president make for a teachable moment.

BOLLING: Can I add something?

GUILFOYLE: They don't want criminals here.


GUILFOYLE: No matter what country they come from. Don't break the laws here.

BOLLING: But ICE, last -- the last reportable year. I'm not sure if it's 2013 or 2014. ICE, the last reportable year let 36,000 convicted felons back into the streets before they were deported. Rather than deporting them, they let them go back into America and find themselves.

RIVERA: For the record.

BOLLING: In sanctuary cities.

RIVERA: President -- I didn't mean to interrupt. For the record, President Obama proposed executive order now enjoined by the federal court and now being argued this day, being argued today. Who did he want to help with his partial amnesty? People here for more than 10 years with citizen-born children, who have committed no crimes. That's the population that I consider my constituents in a sense. I want to speak for these law-abiding, hard-working people. You see them at the 7-11 waiting for work. They work all day long, 10 bucks an hour at lunch. They are people who send money back to Mexico, who are raising their children. Every time I hear one of these anecdotes of a horrible act, think of all the ones who walk their kids to school and the kids.

PERINO: And Geraldo, I'm actually -- I actually, totally agree with you. But I think that there is also this point about compassion that those communities, those people would be better off if the local officials, would work with the federal government to get the criminals out. That's the most.


PERINO: Important thing we should all be able to agree on.

GUILFOYLE: And they would benefit from a legal path to citizenship, following the laws and being here and afford of the great protections by the laws on the books in this country. But why, Greg, has the United States of America now become in the business of importing and allowing people to come back in, importing criminals instead of exporting them?

GUTFELD: That's a great question. I have another question. Where is the sanctuary for citizens who live in sanctuary cities?

GUILFOYLE: End it there.


PERINO: Russian nesting dolls.


GUILFOYLE: Coming up.

PERINO: Get smaller.


GUILFOYLE: America is facing some major threats right now. Cyber warfare, Islamic terror and Russia, we'll discuss the -- business -- I think, does it sound terrible? It sounds like the end of the world. I scare myself. We're going to discuss the biggest risk to our national security, straight ahead.


GUILFOYLE: If you're not hiding on.


PERINO: OK, what is the biggest threat our country faces right now? Is it Russia? Here's General Joseph Dunford during his confirmation hearing to be the next chairman of the Joint Chiefs.


GENERAL JOSEPH DUNFORD, NOMINEE FOR THE NEXT CHAIRMAN OF THE JOINT CHIEFS OF STAFF: My assessment today, Senator is that Russia provides the greatest threat to our national security. In Russia, we have a nuclear power, we have one that, that not only has the capability to violate the sovereignty of our allies and to do things that are inconsistent with our national interests where they're in the process of doing so. So if you want to talk about a nation that could pose an existential threat to the United States, I'd have to point to Russia.


PERINO: All right, or could it be the cyber threats? The head of the Office of Personnel Management finally resigned today after 22.1 million current and former federal employees and their families were affected in a major hack. Here's what the White House said on that.


EARNEST: As it relates to this incident, the president believes that this is significant and that it needs to continue to be a priority of his administration. Not just at OPM, but across the federal government, to make sure that all of the agencies in the administration are focused on this priority.


PERINO: Or is it Islamic terror? We told you, ahead of the Fourth of July weekend that the intelligence community was warning about possible attacks on U.S. soil and now we're learning this.


CATHERINE HERRIDGE, FOX NEWS CHIEF INTELLIGENCE CORRESPONDENT: Confirmation from FBI Director James Comey that federal authorities disrupted an undisclosed number of plots timed for the July 4th holiday. Pierce (ph) did justify warnings from the bureau and Homeland Security, that there was a severe and credible threat from ISIS recruits inside the United States.


PERINO: Hey Kimberly, you watch this stuff pretty closely and your mom, she was --


PERINO: The things that you being said and the things that she keeps you up at night are worried about the security. Which one of those is most concerning to you?

GUILFOYLE: Well, to me -- well, first of all -- OK. And a lot of things are very concerning. I worry about all of it. And I think with good reason. That's why I believe in being vigilant and being able to access data points, collect information to keep this country safe. I really seized upon the report from Catherine Herridge, talking about that we were able to disrupt several unknown attacks that were foiled, right, from intelligence, from information. That to me says that we're doing something right. They were able to get that information and in real time, actionable information, to prevent the terror attacks from happening. That is very significant. In terms of countries that bother me, there's a few. Right at the top of the list, for sure Russia and that's based on my intelligence sources and people within the CIA.

PERINO: So I talked to some people today, who said they wouldn't put Russia at the top, but whatever do you -- what do you think?

BOLLING: Maybe third? Iran.


BOLLING: For I got to tell you, Iran. The path to the bomb is being made clear by the Obama administration right now. They're the ex -- number one exporter of terror on the world. Anything that ISIS is doing, you can trace some way back, Geraldo is going to disagree with me, I know. Some way back to Iran, but you can certainly.

RIVERA: What if.

BOLLING: You can -- hold on, you can -- Hezbollah, Hamas, Al-Qaeda, they all have ties to Iranian money. I think they are the biggest exist -- existential threat.

GUILFOYLE: Existential.

BOLLING: To the United States. Russia could be up there, but I think it would -- I think as the general pointed it out, it would probably be to one of our NATO allies rather than the homeland.

PERINO: All right. Did I miss anything in the list, Gutfeld?

GUTFELD: Barack Hussein Obama is the biggest threat to our country. I kid. But actually, you know what.

PERINO: You're not kidding.

GUTFELD: You know was he's biggest.

RIVERA: Which country was he born in?

GUTFELD: Kenya, of course. Here's big -- you know what his biggest threat is.

RIVERA: Why do you think Kenya is the biggest threat?

GUTFELD: Kenya you believe it? The biggest threat to President Obama is climate change. He says climate change is number one, which is why Putin and Iran and North Korea love him because while they're dismantling the world, he's playing hacky sack with Bill Nye, the science guy.

GUILFOYLE: He really is.

GUTFELD: But really, you know, my feeling is the biggest threat is not on the list. It is our collective self-loathing over the past decade that has subverted law enforcement, war on terror, our spy programs, immigration policies. It's not that we can't fight these threats. It's that we won't. We choose not to fight these threats because we feel somehow that we are unworthy of a defense. We have lost the will.

GUILFOYLE: Shame (ph).

GUTFELD: Or the way because we don't believe in ourselves anymore. That's the real threat.

RIVERA: I think the real threat is Sunni Muslim extremism founded by Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, semi radical Sunni state or it has to come.

PERINO: Nuclear weapons.

RIVERA: I worry about it. I don't worry about Russia because of mutual assured destruction.


RIVERA: Mad (ph). I mean, they going to use their nukes against us and end the world, I doubt it.

GUILFOYLE: It's not just about nukes.

BOLLING: You are more concern about Saudi Arabia than Iran?

GUILFOYLE: Things that much (inaudible).

RIVERA: I am more concern about Saudi Arabia than Iran, I am. And I think that we totally get it wrong. We get it backwards. If Sunni Muslim extremism, the Shiites offer no threat to us.

PERINO: But you can sleep well tonight, don't worry.


PERINO: Everything is perfectly fine.

RIVERA: That's right and it is cool.

PERINO: All right, ahead on The Five, pop star Ariana Grande is apologizing again for saying she hates America. And a big celebration early today, honoring the U.S. women soccer team, after the big World Cup win. That's next on the Fastest 7.


BOLLING: Welcome back, it's time for -- they tell me it's the fastest 6 1/2 minutes on television. Three juicy stories, seven (inaudible) minutes, one joke host. First up, after flying for 54 -- Why? You don't like that one?

GUILFOYLE: I don't know what it is.

(CROSSTALK) BOLLING: After flying for 54 years, this morning, the Confederate battle flag was removed from the South Carolina capital grounds. Listen to how it all went down.



CROWD: U.S.A., U.S.A., U.S.A., U.S.A.

CROWD: (singing)


BOLLING: Well, that was quite a moment, Dana.

PERINO: Yes, so decades in the making and how swiftly this actually got resolved and the leadership of Nikki Haley, but also a bipartisan group of individuals coming together in the state of South Carolina. I think that they handled it with dignity and honor and with the respect of a historical record.

BOLLING: Greg, your thoughts?

GUTFELD: Yeah. I thought it was OK, until they sang that song at the end.

PERINO: Correct.

GUTFELD: That was a bit tacky. It's just, you know what, you hear about symbolic victories. That's literally a symbolic victory because it's a victory over a symbol. It will not prevent a single act of violence.

GUILFOYLE: Well, that's the thing. People said that is they gonna change anything. Would that have prevented what happened? The horrible act of violence and murdering these beautiful, innocent people that gathered to worship, that allowed that killer in to celebrate, to be with them? Look what he did. He took their lives. That's not gonna change it. But was it the right thing to do? It was the right thing to do. So let's try to learn and grow from them this.

RIVERA: What could change it if we strictly enforce the rules against allowing people with felony arrests pending? To have -- to be able to buy weapons the way this Dylan Roof was able to buy that weapon, despite the fact that.


RIVERA: He had a felony.


BOLLING: Can I just clarify.

RIVERA: A violation of federal law.

BOLLING: Can I clarify -- you're saying, so people with felony convictions - pending felony convictions.

RIVERA: Has a felony.

BOLLING: Should not be able to buy gun, but they should be able to stay in sanctuary cities, if they're illegal, if they cross the border.

RIVERA: Oh, like one.

BOLLING: All right. Next, on the fastest.

RIVERA: Supposed to leave (ph).

BOLLING: The timeline goes like this.


BOLLING: On July 4th, pop star Ariana Grande defiled some doughnuts in an L.A. bakery. On July 8th, Ariana apologized. The same day Ariana back side of singing the national anthem at the MLB all star game. And late yesterday, Ms. Grande issued her second apology as follows.


ARIANA GRANDE, POP STAR: Here I am apologizing again. And, you know, I was trying to get you to understand where I was coming from when I said what I said. But that's not important. I'd rather just apologize. I've actually never been prouder to be an American, to be honest with you. The advances that we've made in the past couple months.


BOLLING: Aw. Greg.

GUTFELD: I love how now she's proud of us because of the last couple of months. What a jerk. Anyway, she should apologize for that apology and see how many apologies we can get from her. Because each apology gets worse.

RIVERA: She should apologize for licking the doughnuts.

GUTFELD: I think she already did. But this -- look, she's an insipid egocentric 22-year-old celebrity, meaning she's a normal 22-year-old celebrity. And we create these people. We give them the fame, and we never say no to them. That's what you get. You get a monster.

GUILFOYLE: True. But she can sing. I won't say what I said yesterday. But yes.

BOLLING: Yes, don't say that. We all know...

RIVERA: What did you say yesterday?

GUILFOYLE: I said she can blow because she can sing. Like she really has a phenomenal voice. There I said it.

BOLLING: So we -- can I just point out I was cutting Ariana a lot of slack until I found out her manager, Scooter Braun, is throwing a fundraiser for Hillary Clinton.


GUILFOYLE: Oh, my God.

BOLLING: I won't do it anymore.

GUILFOYLE: If that's going to be your bar?

RIVERA: That is so you. It's true. Ariana Grande is a Democrat.

PERINO: Would that apply to everyone who's ever given money to Hillary Clinton?

BOLLING: I guess not.


BOLLING: All right. Let's do...

PERINO: Anyway, I would say I think that we should let Ariana Grande go. OK. She's a young woman. She's apologized. I think we are all adult enough to forgive her.

BOLLING: Very good.

GUTFELD: I'm not!

BOLLING: All right. Note to President Obama. American exceptionalism is alive and kicking. Check out these moments from the ticker tape parade honoring our world champion World Cup winning women's soccer team as they rode down the Canyon of Heroes. Take a look at that.


BOLLING: K.G., what were you saying?

GUILFOYLE: I just was so excited, and they're so amazing. And there he is right up there, trying to make it about him. Big Bird in it.

PERINO: That was a really...

RIVERA: Talking about de Blasio.


PERINO: I think it was smart.

RIVERA: Ratings for the final through the Roof. Beating the NBA final game of the NBA playoffs. It is the coming of age of women's sports.

GUILFOYLE: Women kick it harder.

PERINO: The next step is that women professional athletes will start being paid what male professional athletes are being paid.

BOLLING: That's a very good point. It's like seven to eight times.

PERINO: It's four times below or whatever.

GUTFELD: Yes. But they also rumor (ph) that male sports bring in more ad revenues.

PERINO: I understand. But that's why I'm saying I think this is significant. And I think that de Blasio was very smart to have the parade and be there with them.

GUILFOYLE: Of course.

BOLLING: To glom on that.

RIVERA: Piggyback.

GUTFELD: Look, can I just talk about parades and how much I hate parades?


GUTFELD: I hate parades for who you are. But I love parades for what you did. That's why this is a good parade, because it celebrates an achievement, as opposed to who you are.

BOLLING: Were you -- are you seeing this? Are you seeing de Blasio there?

GUILFOYLE: He's really the worst person in the world today. I tell you.


GUILFOYLE: Like he scored a goal.

GUTFELD: He won the game.

GUILFOYLE: Do you see him? He's like, "Oh, yes, I was there. It's all about me."

RIVERA: And he's kind of like a dorky guy. Running into things. Real clumsy.

GUILFOYLE: Giant and hovering over them.

BOLLING: Can you step out of the spotlight for a minute and let them soak in some of the glory that they earned?

RIVERA: Back off, big boy. Back off.

GUILFOYLE: So embarrassing.

RIVERA: I feel your breath on my neck.

GUILFOYLE: All, like, hot and sweaty. Ew.

BOLLING: Oh, my goodness. All right. What position did he play again? Can't remember.

GUTFELD: Left field.

BOLLING: Left out?

Coming up, stay tuned for "Facebook Friday."



GUTFELD: It's time for "Facebook Friday." This is when our producers pick some of their favorite questions you have sent. So let's get started, shall we?

Let's start with you, Kimberly.

GUILFOYLE: I knew it.

GUTFELD: What is your exact address?


GUTFELD: All right. "What time do you all come to work and get home?" This is from Sharon M.

GUILFOYLE: This is -- everyone's supposed to answer this?


GUILFOYLE: Well, it all depends. I mean, every day is different. Depends if I'm doing "O'Reilly," if I'm just doing this, doing radio.

RIVERA: What about the show?


GUTFELD: This is a bad question because people know that you're not at home.

PERINO: This is like asking where she lives.

GUILFOYLE: This is like a security question.

GUTFELD: I know. You're not supposed to answer this on TV. Do you guys want to answer this question?


GUTFELD: No. Do you?

BOLLING: I don't care.

GUTFELD: You don't care?

BOLLING: No. I get here between 7:30 and 8:00 depending on traffic. And I leave maybe ten minutes after the show.

GUILFOYLE: You leave the building.

GUTFELD: So now they know you're not at your house.

BOLLING: I don't come in the same -- and I have very, very good security system.

GUTFELD: Disguises.

GUILFOYLE: Disguises?

RIVERA: Fortress. Fortress New Jersey.

GUTFELD: You never leave, do you? You just sleep under your -- you sleep in a shoe box.


GUTFELD: That's well-ventilated.

PERINO: Save money that way.

GUTFELD: That is so true. Geraldo.

RIVERA: Five forty-five on Friday morning I get up, 6:45.

GUILFOYLE: Because you do "FOX and Friends," right?

RIVERA: I've got radio. I do radio. Two-hour radio show every day. And then "FOX and Friends" on Friday.


GUTFELD: I'm not answering this question, because it was boring.

BOLLING: It is boring. Why did you waste all that time?

GUTFELD: I'm sorry. OK. Let's go this way now. Dana, this is from Denise L. "What were some of your favorite vacations as a kid?"

PERINO: Well, we always went to Wyoming. And we had a...

GUTFELD: That's a state.

PERINO: We had a car -- our air conditioning was two windows and 65 miles per hour, as my dad would say when we would complain.

GUTFELD: There's a country music song.

PERINO: You're very good at these country music songs. I'm trying to get him to let me send you one that he's been singing.

But I love going to Wyoming. And we would go to, in particular, Mt. Rushmore and also just the Black Hills area. In fact, it's in South Dakota just across the border, 80 miles east. The Flintstones National Park?


PERINO: It's right there. And it's closing after this year. So get there soon. Because you can actually drive a car and things like that.


BOLLING: Every year -- we didn't have a lot of money. We drove from Chicago to Miami. It was one week.

PERINO: Did you have air conditioning?

BOLLING: I don't remember.

PERINO: Probably not.

BOLLING: Roll the windows down. I remember it was 17 hours. We would try and go straight through. My mom and my dad would switch off driving. When we got there, in Miami there's an old hotel called the Thunderbird Hotel. Make a long story short, about a year ago they just redid the Thunderbird Hotel; and it's beautiful right now on south beach.

RIVERA: We were very modest means. We didn't -- I remember only one vacation, a camping vacation in upstate New York. What we did, my dad built a homemade swimming pool in the backyard when we moved from Brooklyn to Long Island.

GUTFELD: I think that's called a ditch.

RIVERA: It was that. It was a very funny, very rudimentary...

GUTFELD: That's neat.

RIVERA: ... little pool in the backyard.

GUILFOYLE: OK. So my favorite was when we drove to Disneyland. And my brother and I were sitting in the backseat with a big green bean bag or like beating each other up. It's like "National Lampoon's Vacation." But it was super fun. We had never been there. That was the first time I went to Los Angeles. And the next time was as a prosecutor.

PERINO: Now kid go to Paris.

GUTFELD: You know what? But that's the same as me. Sixty-four Mercury station wagon from San Mateo on Highway 5 to L.A. And me and my sister would sit in the back.

GUILFOYLE: I love that.

GUTFELD: You'd have the seat that faces the rear window so you'd be staring at people. You'd stare at them the whole time.

GUILFOYLE: Lincoln Continental.

GUTFELD: I would never blink. Or you'd write stuff like "Send help".

Dorothy. All right. I'll start, because I've been last. "What's the best..."

GUILFOYLE: Who would think? (ph)

GUTFELD: "What's the best class or course you ever took?" I'll start with you, Eric, since I can't think of one.

BOLLING: Oh, my God. Is this all you guys could come up with? Haven't we done this like five times? I'll tell you again.

It was an economics course, 20 people in the class. They paired people off so two people per team. Ten teams. And the whole semester was you had a corporation. You got to decide what your product was, how you're going to market it. And it was graded at the end of each whatever week. And then at the end it was the most successful -- the stock price would go up and down depending on that. And it taught me about everything to do with business.

GUTFELD: And the losers were shot.

RIVERA: A comparative religion course at the University of Arizona, down in Arizona (ph). Because it showed how Muslim, Jew, Christian, how similar they are. They all have their own creationist myth. And the fact that so many have died in the name of religion I always found so bitterly ironic.


GUILFOYLE: OK. This is a true story. So mine was at U.C. Davis. It was Rhetoric in Communications 1. It was a public speaking class. That's where I was assigned a book reading. "You Have a Message" by Roger Ailes. Then I became obsessed with him, and I took that book and came here and asked him for a job.

GUTFELD: So you're a stalker.

GUILFOYLE: Yes, totally.


PERINO: Well, you know I love school.

GUTFELD: You do.

PERINO: I loved all classes. But I think if I had to pick one today, I love the History of Journalism class. That was pretty good.

RIVERA: Really?

PERINO: Yes. Yes, I had a great professor at University of Southern Colorado. Now U.C. Pueblo.

GUILFOYLE: I loved school.

GUTFELD: I took a course in Slavic Lit and read a lot of Gogol, a lot of Russian-- a lot of Russian Lit.

GUILFOYLE: I know you know, right?

PERINO: Then you married a Russian.

GUILFOYLE: Then he found a Russian wife.

See? So you're a stalker, too.

GUTFELD: My Russian is quite good.

Is that it? Do you want me to go to the next one?

GUILFOYLE: That's it. Coming up.

GUTFELD: OK. You're silly. Oh, you mean this.

Coming up, Donald Trump isn't ruling out running as a third-party candidate. What's that mean for the 2016 presidential race? We discuss next.


RIVERA: My friend -- and I still consider him my friend -- and former boss on "Celebrity Apprentice," Donald Trump, has been taking criticism I think justly, not only from Democrats but by some in his own party.

So if he does not win the Republican nomination, will the Donald consider a third-party run? Or will he throw his support behind the GOP nominee? Sean Hannity asked him that last night.


DONALD TRUMP (R), PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: Look, I'm not a politician. You know, every politician immediately is supposed to say, "Absolutely. Absolutely." I have to see who wins. And frankly, I think we're going to win.

SEAN HANNITY, HOST, "HANNITY": You're not thinking about an independent run. You're thinking about winning this Republican primary. That's what you're thinking about today.

TRUMP: I want to win the -- I want to win, because that's our best chance of defeating the Democrats.

With that said, everybody wants me to do that. I have had so many people wanting me to do that. Our best chance of defeating the Democrats and getting this country going again is if I win the Republican nomination.


RIVERA: OK. I want him first apologize to the Mexican-American population.

But Dana, your -- the father of your former boss, George H.W. Bush, Bush 41, lost his re-election bid because of a rich eccentric billionaire, charming in his own way, Ross Perot.

PERINO: What was he mostly against? NAFTA. OK. So there were similarities. There are people who dispute that 41 actually lost because of Perot, that you can look at statistics.

RIVERA: Perot got 20 percent.

PERINO: Exactly. And I actually think that at this point a third party is not a path to the presidency. That would not be -- not be the choice I would choose if you actually want to be president. A third party is not going to do it. Plus, what would that third party stand for?

RIVERA: Would he do it for spite do you think, Eric?

BOLLING: I think he just said he wasn't going to do that. I think he was going to -- he said let's see what happens with the Republican nomination.

By the way, in your intro that you kind of adlibbed a little around, as well, Geraldo, you forgot to mention that Public Policy poll has him No. 1 in North Carolina.


BOLLING: The Economist has him -- slash My Gov -- has him No. 1 nationally ranked right now.

I think what Donald Trump does is he taps into the feeling of people who are sick of big government, people who want change, don't like the direction of the country. And they see him as someone who might be able to bring that change, whereas some of the others that are running against him may not have that.

Will he flame out, as everyone seems to think he's going to do? I don't know.

RIVERA: The third party, you think, is a nonstarter?

BOLLING: According to him right now, no. I mean...

RIVERA: I didn't hear a no there, Kimberly.

GUILFOYLE: I thought he said no, that he wants to win and be the Republican nominee for the office of president of the United States of America, and he wants to win.

RIVERA: He did not say, "I will not accept the third party..."

GUILFOYLE: I do not think that he wants the third party? And who's going to fund it? I don't think he's, like, going to throw his money...

RIVERA: Sean was desperate for him to renounce any possibility, Greg Gutfeld, of a third-party run.

GUTFELD: I think what everybody is saying about Trump is that he speaks for the currently angry, which is kind of what Perot did.

RIVERA: Agreed.

GUTFELD: But anger does not win an election. What it does is it buys another house for John Stewart. Anger is the red clip-on nose that conservatives and liberals put on their face.

As conservatives we're supposed to reject feelings. Feelings are empty. Whether they are feelings of, like, emotional goodness or just anger, it doesn't work. You have to have a vision. Anger is an energy. It is not a vision, and it doesn't win elections.

RIVERA: A very special "One More Thing is up next. Don't go away.


GUILFOYLE: It's time now for "One More Thing." And it is a very special edition, because July 11th marks the four-year anniversary of "The Five."

We want to say a big thank-you to all of our viewers. You have been amazingly supportive over the years. And the show's success would not have been possible without all of you.

Cut cake and pass out pieces.

PERINO: You are -- you've cut a lot of cake.

GUILFOYLE: I mean, I really have. And the Internet can prove it. There's some unfortunate shots of me, right?

Look at this. He's so helpful. Cutting the cake.

GUTFELD: Usually, Kimberly, you just -- you marry someone.

GUILFOYLE: Well, you know, I'm very good at it. I just want to keep practicing, make sure that I'm fresh. Don't want to lose my touch. I'm going to freeze a piece of this this time for good luck.

PERINO: Eric is making a video.

BOLLING: Yes, a Snapchat video.

GUILFOYLE: We're going to thank everybody.

GUTFELD: Don't up periscoping. Or is it periscope up? One of -- those kids are doing these days.

GUILFOYLE: Oh, my goodness. You've got the two Puerto Rico, and one with a knife. This is not a good idea.

RIVERA: Ay, yi, yi.

GUILFOYLE: I love it.

BOLLING: I don't want to...

GUILFOYLE: Anybody have a reflection?

GUTFELD: Oh, yes. It's been a lovely ride.

GUILFOYLE: OK. Dana Perino.

PERINO: Remember they said it was going to be a six-week temporary show.


PERINO: And I've never had a job longer than, like, every two years I would change. I've had a long -- I hope to be here a long time.

GUILFOYLE: You'll jinx us.

PERINO: Good, no, I think it's great.

GUILFOYLE: OK. Eric Bolling.

BOLLING: Four years, four more. I don't know, 40 more. It's been great.

GUTFELD: We'll be dead by then.

PERINO: I'm going to need a lot more hair and makeup by then.

GUILFOYLE: The robots. The robots will be here.

GUTFELD: "Robot Five."

BOLLING: What about Ronan and Eric?

PERINO: Remember how we almost had, like, a heart attack...


PERINO: ... 2012 elections?

GUILFOYLE: Geraldo from FOX, you like a good party.

RIVERA: I was announced as being on the original cast. And it took four years to happen. What (ph) it finally to be.

GUILFOYLE: When you have a dream you hold onto it. Patience at the plate. Geraldo likes the full count, 3-2 full pitch.

I just want to say thank you, as well, to the fans and everybody who has sat at this table to make it such a huge success. To our producers, who have been phenomenal, doing a great job for us to deliver a fine show that you guys have all written about, saying that you enjoy.

PERINO: Because we're annoying to them.

GUILFOYLE: Yes. And now we're going to have "One More Thing."


GUILFOYLE: It's like double your "One More Thing." Supersize it. It's Greg.

GUTFELD: All right. I got two quickies. Be sure to catch "The Greg Gutfeld Show." It's Saturday, Sunday, 10 p.m. A lot of awesome stuff.

But another anniversary. The 55th anniversary of the Etch-a-Sketch, as of this weekend. And I love the Etch-a-Sketch. I would spend days just drawing all sorts of things. So today in honor of the anniversary, I went and got my Etch-a-Sketch. And I did just a quick little drawing this morning. And as you can tell, pretty good, huh?

BOLLING: Pretty good.

RIVERA: Amazing.

GUILFOYLE: This just really sums it up.

PERINO: You probably want to shake it and erase me.

GUTFELD: I would never shake and erase this. But I want you to have this. It's beautiful. Just look, I did this in about 15 minutes.

GUILFOYLE: Oh, my goodness. There are no words. The love lives on.

GUTFELD: See, America?

RIVERA: Why do I think you have a weird little space in your basement?

GUTFELD: It's not little.

PERINO: Ask Lou Dobbs, right?

GUTFELD: A lot of people have ended up there.

PERINO: And I am honored.

GUTFELD: You can have that.

PERINO: Thank you.

GUTFELD: Just don't shake it.

GUILFOYLE: I'm not kidding. This cake is amazing.

PERINO: I want to wish a happy birthday to Wyoming, 125 years old today. This is an amazing state. And I've got some photographs here from Jason Whitman. You can follow him on Twitter. He's an amazing photographer in Wyoming. It's a state that became -- let's see -- July 10, 1890. It was the first state in the United States to give women the right to vote. First national monument at Devil's Tower. And also, Yellowstone National Park is there. And that's where my family's ranch is, too, my family who homesteaded there. So congratulations to Wyoming. A great state.


BOLLING: It is. Agreed.


BOLLING: My turn?


BOLLING: So today, "Homeland" -- Showtime released a trailer for the fifth season of "Homeland." Here's a piece of it.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: You're being naive and stupid. Something you never were before.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I'm not. I'm going trying to do good work.


BOLLING: So Greg's got to catch on season four and then season five. Carey goes off the reservation. It's awesome.

By the way, "Tyrant" on FX. If you're jonesing for that kind of TV, "Tyrant" on FX is awesome.


RIVERA: I've always loved outer space. I've been fascinated with -- since Captain Video and the Space Rangers and Buck Rogers and "Star Trek" and "Star Wars." I was at the last shuttle launch, the Atlantis. It was fantastic.

PERINO: Did you cover the moon landing live?

RIVERA: I -- I -- pretty close. I did apply to be the reporter in space. You know, they had a contest. And I made it -- I made the first cut. And then the Challenger disaster happened in 1986. It was just awful.

We have a probe called New Horizons. It is going past Pluto, which used to be the ninth planet in the solar system. Sorry. Tuesday, Pluto. Date with Pluto.

GUILFOYLE: Make a date with Pluto and make a date with me if you're feeling lucky, 2 to 3 tomorrow. The Villages, where else? Spend your day in Florida with me. I'll sign the book; we'll take a picture. Who knows what it could lead to.

PERINO: Oh, wow!

GUILFOYLE: And a special thank you to our chairman, Roger Ailes, for creating "The Five" and keeping us all here.

RIVERA: Is there a centerfold in that?

GUILFOYLE: Set your DVRs so you never miss an episode of "The Five." That's it for us.

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