Trump Presidency approaches first 100 days
What report card does the administration deserve thus far?
President Trump, who this week boasted at a Wisconsin tool factory that “no administration has accomplished more in the first 90 days,” said in a Friday morning tweet that he’s not getting enough credit from the national media for all his successes.
“No matter how much I accomplish during the ridiculous standard of the first 100 days, & it has been a lot (including S.C.), media will kill!” Trump tweeted.
Whether the president was looking to pre-empt media criticism or lower expectations as the benchmark nears was not clear, but the White House is clearly bracing for a report card from the press.
The first 100 days of a first-term president is often used to measure success and set a roadmap for future policy issues. The fascination with the first 100 days goes back to President Franklin D. Roosevelt, who came into office in 1933 and signed a staggering 76 pieces of legislation, including 15 major overhauls and new programs during the depths of the Great Depression.
“It’s very clear that he’s committed to the conservative principles and agenda that he outlined in the campaign.”
Since then, the first 100 days has been the test of a new president’s productivity, though none have come close to matching FDR.
Trump had promised huge changes during his first 100 days including cracking down on illegal immigration, a complete tax overhaul and the repeal and replace ObamaCare.
“You’re going to have such great healthcare at a tiny fraction of the cost and it’s going to be so easy,” Trump said during an October 2016 rally.
When it came to building his “big beautiful wall” with Mexico, he told Fox News in 2015, “So simple. So simple.”
Expectations were high, given Trump’s promises and the fact he had a Republican-led Congress, but so far, the two branches have not always been on the same page.
On Wednesday, White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer defended the Trump administration’s accomplishments.
“Look at the record that he’s achieved over these first 90 days,” Spicer told Fox News’ “The First 100 Days.” “It’s very clear that he’s committed to the conservative principles and agenda that he outlined in the campaign.”
Trump hits the 100-day mark on April 29.