
This is a rush transcript from "On the Record," June 10, 2010. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

GRETA VAN SUSTEREN, FOX NEWS HOST: Breaking news in Peru about the alleged murder confession of Joran van der Sloot. The accused killer is talking about Natalee Holloway.

Joining us live Dan Collyns of Global Radio Network. You just spoke to police minutes ago. Dan, what is Joran van der Sloot saying about Natalee Holloway?

DAN COLLYNS, GLOBAL RADIO NETWORK: That's right, Greta. I just spoke to head of the police criminal investigations unit. He told me Joran van der Sloot told Peruvian police during his interrogation he knows where the body of Natalee Holloway is and he's prepared to help them find it and the Aruban authorities.

And the general gave the information. He said the Peruvian police are not helping the Aruban authorities. The Peruvian police have been tied up with their investigation into the death of 21-year-old Stephany Flores.

VAN SUSTEREN: What does he want in exchange for information about where the body of Natalee Holloway is? Because he seems to be trying to sell that information every place he can, whenever he can.

COLLYNS: It is true, yes. We know that Joran van der Sloot has a reputation, not only for lying but trying to manipulate and known for being a calculating person. The general didn't go into details. I think this is something which just a piece of information they've gleaned during the course of the interrogation which focused on the evidence of the murder, the Peruvian murder investigation.

He hasn't gone into further details on that, but hopefully we'll be hearing more about that and they will get in touch with the Aruban authorities and some type of cooperation will take place.

VAN SUSTEREN: Has he changed what he says happened to Stephany Glores? Originally he said she was on his laptop, and that was the motive. Is the motive still the laptop, or has he changed that one?

COLLYNS: Greta, after several days of leaks and speculation about what happened, we have an official police version, and they've married together the evidence they from the interrogation of Van der Sloot with what appears to be overwhelming physical evidence.

And they believe that both avid poker players had met a few days before she was murdered. They knew each other a few days before. He'd been observing her as a poker player a week before police said she won $10,000 playing poker. Apparently he, according to police, selected her as a victim that he wanted to rob.

And apparently, through chatting her up, they went back to the hotel room. That's shown on video footage. It's also shown how they were playing on the same poker table.

According to an unofficial police source, he had helped her out with a little money. Apparently they went back to share out the money, their winnings.

Van der Sloot stuck to the story about the laptop computers. He maintains she spotted an e-mail which refers to the Natalee Holloway case, an argument ensued. He now says she struck him first.

Speaking to the General Guardia, he gave details about what was clearly a savage beating. He says allegedly Van der Sloot elbowed her in the face, knocked her unconscious, hit her head against the wall causing a brain hemorrhage, and he strangled her with his own shirt.

VAN SUSTEREN: Dan, thank you, Dan.

COLLYNS: A taxi driver him across the border into Chile --

VAN SUSTEREN: Dan, thank you.

And tonight, the FBI is under oath in an affidavit unsealed by a judge a short time ago. The FBI is confirming on May 10th in Aruba, a representative of Beth Holloway who we confirmed as John Q. Kelly gave money to Joran van der Sloot in exchange for information about Natalee Holloway.

According to the FBI affidavit, Van der Sloot told Kelly that on the night Natalee vanished, he got into an argument with her, threw her to the ground, and she struck her head on a rock and died. Joran also told Kelly that his father buried Natalee's body in the foundation of a house.

But here is the disgusting twist. About a week later in an e-mail to John Q. Kelly, Van der Sloot said he had lied to Kelly.

Let's bring in the legal panel. Joining us live in San Francisco is former assistant D.A. Jim Hammer, and here in Washington, criminal defense attorneys Ted Williams and Bernie Grimm.

Ted, we have a copy of this newly released affidavit that's been unsealed. Your thoughts about this?

TED WILLIAMS, CRIMINAL DEFENSE ATTORNEY: It is very interesting. It is full of lies.

VAN SUSTEREN: The affidavit?

WILLIAMS: Not so much the affidavit, the information that Joran said.

But this is the key, Joran says in ther that his father helped him to get rid of the body of Natalee Holloway. That part I do believe. I've always believed in this case, Greta, that Joran may have gone home, told his father what happened, and he Paulus was involved. But he's dead now.

VAN SUSTEREN: There's a difference between what you think and what there is actual evidence of what happened. He also told us his father was involved in some other aspect. He has always thrown his father, who died in February, under the bus. Whether it is true or not, we don't know. But his father has been front and center.

GRIMM: Here's the problem I had is that everything that's in this attachment, this affidavit is something we knew last week. I'm curious why the FBI didn't move on the guy right then and there.

He has a history of traveling around the world. Jim said years ago he's clinically a sociopath. Do you let a guy like that get out of your grips? You should just grab him then and there, and if you didn't have probable cause, what's the downside?

VAN SUSTEREN: Jim, he was the defender of the FBI on this. Jim, have you changed your position that the FBI had enough evidence on May 10th, could have made an arrest, and didn't?

JIM HAMMER, FORMER ASSISTANT D.A.: I give up on my defense of the FBI. Bernie and Ted are right.

But this is why they waited and why Bernie has a tough time at trial. Prosecutors at the federal level love the bow on it, tied and FedEx-packaged and hand delivered with white gloves. State prosecutors try tough cases when you get the guy, you nab him, put him in jail.

The federal prosecutors wanted aerial photos. They should have put him in custody and that girl might have been alive today.

VAN SUSTEREN: Jim, it doesn't get any better being in the next room in Aruba with the FBI, having video cameras on it and watching the whole thing go down, and they wired the money to get him on the wiretap.

BERNIE GRIMM, CRIMINAL DEFENSE ATTORNEY: That's not enough. They wanted Google photos of the house to prove that actually what Joran's before they had county records. And in spite of that, Bernie beats them sometimes in court.

VAN SUSTEREN: We still love you Jim. Ted?


WILLIAMS: I'm glad my brother Jim agrees with us tonight. I found it baffling that the FBI didn't act sooner. I think they do clearly have a lot to explain.

VAN SUSTEREN: I'm already upset at this missed opportunity. And they didn't do it deliberately. The FBI didn't want this poor young woman in Peru to die.

But if I were John Q. Kelly after I had so cleverly set this up, John Q. Kelly delivered it to the FBI and said here it is, take it. And the FBI didn't move. I would be absolutely -- I would be so upset.

GRIMM: John Kelly set the table for them and the whole thing was --

VAN SUSTEREN: Masterful.

GRIMM: Well done, and the whole table was set, and they could have ripped the guy there. Hammer is right, though, federal prosecutors want perfect cases, and this wasn't a perfect case. This is 99 percent.

VAN SUSTEREN: What is missing? What is missing?

HAMMER: Greta, you could have gotten a conviction and were you never a prosecutor.

GRIMM: Hammer is right.

VAN SUSTEREN: What was missing? He's caught on tape, getting the money, counting it twice.

GRIMM: I could have probably admitted being involved in the Kennedy assassination.


WILLIAMS: Let me just say, there are missing ingredients. To be candid and I think the FBI they like to be candid --

VAN SUSTEREN: We like it when you are candid.

WILLIAMS: Thank you. In candor, I think they dropped the ball.

VAN SUSTEREN: We would make light, but it is so disheartening, because -- and I don't mean to undermine or understate the seriousness, but I do feel bad for the FBI because this could have been very different, and obviously for the family as well.

I feel bad for the Holloway family. I don't feel sorry for you gentlemen, though. Thank you, all.

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