
White House staffers begin to save anything and everything to comply with a Justice Department probe into who exactly leaked the identity of a CIA (search) employee.


James Rosen reports: Ambassador Joseph Wilson (search) is the man at the center of the Washington CIA leak frenzy…what is his story?

Bret Baier reports: A female soldier was killed and two American GIs were injured when a roadside bomb exploded in Iraq.

Major Garrett reports: The recall race is in the home stretch and gubernatorial hopefuls are pulling out all the stops. We’ll have an update.

Carl Cameron reports: The new kid on the Democratic presidential hopeful block receives a lot of heat from fellow candidates. Get the full story.

Greg Kelly reports: Students return to school in Iraq and discover different surroundings.

Details on those stories and more on Special Report with Brit Hume.

— Guests and topics are subject to change