
This is a rush transcript from "Hannity," June 5, 2009. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

SEAN HANNITY, HOST: Earlier this week, I had the opportunity to sit down with nationally-syndicated radio talk-show host Rush Limbaugh, and we discussed, among other things, the divide that exists in America between liberals and conservatives. Here now is the final installment of my exclusive interview with Rush Limbaugh.


HANNITY: Hasn't that always been the way with liberals? If they think it's morally superior to redistribute wealth and take from one group of people and give to another group of people, isn't it always conservatives? Aren't we the ones that are often told we're imposing values, but it's the left that has always done that? This is common, right?

RUSH LIMBAUGH, RADIO TALK SHOW HOST: You're exactly right. You know, conservatism has been so maligned in state-run media for so many years. All we want is success for everybody. We want freedom for everybody. We understand that a great nation is made up of great people doing great things, ordinary people accomplishing extraordinary things.

Video: Watch Sean's interview

We don't look at the American population with contempt and derision. We don't look at a group of people and pick out the number of blacks in it and the number of whites and the number of women.

We see Americans. We see human beings. We see potential. Liberals look at a group of people and they see incompetence, they see people that can't overcome the obstacles of life, want a government program to help them.

Yes, it's somewhat frustrating because conservatism — we talked about this last time — conservatism is the process. Some people say it needs to be redefined or modernized or whatever. The era of Reagan is over. No, no, no, no, no. I mean, freedom will never go out of style, and that's the foundation of conservatism.

What's happened is that too many people in Washington who once were conservative have been swallowed by that whole existence. The social and political control in Washington is exerted by the left. Everybody wants to get along with the people they live with, so our guys, who used to be — are right down in the middle, Reagan conservatives, now, all of sudden, you can't recognize them because they're seeking approval from the people that don't like them, disagree with them.

They want to get along with our enemies. I don't.

HANNITY: And I want to get your comments, this speech to the Muslim world. And you see, I think he ought to be saying hey, we helped Muslims in Kosovo, in Iraq, and in Afghanistan, and elsewhere around the world. What should he say to the Muslim world?

LIMBAUGH: In the first place, one thing he said that made news, he praised America as a great Muslim country.

HANNITY: We're not a Christian country. He said that previously.

LIMBAUGH: We are a — but we are a Christian country. He didn't say we're a Muslim country. He said we're one of the largest Muslim countries in the world.

We're a Christian nation, and a lot of people, the Judeo-Christian ethic. See, even that's even controversial to say today, but, I mean, the truth is the truth.

I don't want to put words in his mouth. Whatever I would say to the Muslim world I know he's not going to say. He's going to go apologize. He's going to make everything that the Muslim world thinks of us justified in their minds. Remember, America was unjustly immoral until he was elected.

HANNITY: I've never been proud of my country, is what his wife said.

LIMBAUGH: Yes. That was true.

HANNITY: For the first time in my adult life...

LIMBAUGH: They tried to — she was being honest.

HANNITY: You know what she never got asked? And I don't want to interrupt you. When she said America's a downright mean country in 2008, nobody in the state-run media, to use your term, ever asked the future first lady of the United States why she thinks America is a downright mean country?

That's shocking.

LIMBAUGH: No, not of all. A —

HANNITY: To me it is.

LIMBAUGH: The state-run media probably agrees. Number two, they're not going to challenge either Barack Obama or his wife. They're just not going to do it.

He's too big to fail. He's historic. He's the first African-American president. They — most of these media people came of age in the civil rights era. This, to them, is Nirvana.

He can't make a mistake. He can't say anything wrong.

And from his perspective, they think he's right, America was mean. It was mean to African-Americans. It was mean to minorities. It was mean. That's what they think too.


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