
Much has been said of how the markets have lost ground over the last couple of days. Much hasn't been said of how resilient they've been the last couple of years.

I mean, think about it: You name it; this market's had to deal with it. War. Terror. Hurricane (search)s. Higher interest rates (search). You'd think they'd be half where they are now, rather than up from where they were then.

Sometimes I think we obsess over the moment and lose an appreciation for all the moments and all we've done. Shopping when experts thought we wouldn't. Staying upbeat when all the economists said we shouldn't. Believing in the future when all the prognosticators said we couldn't.

I'm not here to dismiss the severity of higher energy prices or higher rates. I am here to dismiss this ridiculous talk that we can't handle them. We've handled far worse and come out far better.

Hurricanes aren't easy and cleaning up after them isn’t cheap. But I like to think we're defined not by what hits us, but by how we hit back.

I'm not smart enough to predict how these higher rates and energy prices and hurricanes will weigh on us in the days ahead. I'm more focused on the years ahead and optimistic to boot!

That's not me saying that. That's something else reminding me of that. Something called us. Something called history.

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