
Tonight on Hannity & Colmes

In a stunning midterm victory for President Bush, the Republican Party won control of both houses of Congress early Wednesday morning.

The Grand Old Party recaptured the Senate when Republican challenger Jim Talent defeated incumbent Democratic Sen. Jean Carnahan in Missouri.

The Republicans have extended their lead in the House of Representatives and regained control of the Senate. Does it mean a groundswell of conservatism? The co-director of Empower America, Bill Bennett, will break down yesterday’s excitement.

How will this change in power affect judicial nominees and your pocket book? Senator Jon Corzine will weigh in.

In Florida, GOP former Secretary of State Katherine Harris, known for certifying the contested 2000 presidential election, easily won the 13th District seat against Democratic lawyer Jan Schneider. Katherine Harris tells Hannity & Colmes what she has planned.

And Dick Morris made his predictions before election day… He will be back to tell us what races caught him by surprise.

Finally, Winona Ryder was found guilty on shoplifting charges Wednesday. The actress was accused of going on a spree at a Saks Fifth Avenue in Beverly Hills, Calif., without paying for $5,500 worth of merchandise.

The six-man, six-woman jury, which includes a movie studio boss and several others who work in the entertainment business, deliberated for five hours on Tuesday. But some are saying what was on camera, was not video of Winona Ryder commiting burglary. Does that make sense? We'll debate it.

-All guests and topics subject to change